Nicely done. Bike races are fun to shoot, but in bright sunlight its tough to get the faces out of the helmet shadow unless you use a flash and get lower than eye level with the riders. As with most action sports, crop to get rid of the dead space.
The best photo opportunities for cycling will occur just past the inside apex of a turn if the race is a flat criterium, or anywhere on a steep hill, especially after a few laps. The longer the race goes on the more the field gets strung out. This creates the perfect opportunity for individual or small group shots.
Read about sticking a flash on a monopod well under the camera for shooting football. Might want to look that up and try it for cycling, should work really well for illuminating the faces
The best photo opportunities for cycling will occur just past the inside apex of a turn if the race is a flat criterium, or anywhere on a steep hill, especially after a few laps. The longer the race goes on the more the field gets strung out. This creates the perfect opportunity for individual or small group shots.
"Most time its not the gear that makes the shot"
thanks for posting
Aperture Focus Photography