Final C&C Please

So it took me a while on the reshoot of the Grate Circles. I have 3 options there, with different post procesing. (attempting side by side)

I also tried a reshoot on the Concentric, in this case, it is Offset.

And then on the way to the market, I found this - too pretty to pass up.

Funny story - I was at the park and explained to a couple of bicyclists what I was doing with Circle or Square. One of them said they were a couple of old squares, but I couldn't take their picture.

I also tried a reshoot on the Concentric, in this case, it is Offset.

And then on the way to the market, I found this - too pretty to pass up.

Funny story - I was at the park and explained to a couple of bicyclists what I was doing with Circle or Square. One of them said they were a couple of old squares, but I couldn't take their picture.
That is one amazing grate!
"Dance like no one is watching. Sing like no one is listening. Love like you've never been hurt and live like it's heaven on Earth." — Mark Twain
#3 on the grates for sure....