Rock climbers on El Capitan
Icing on the cake as we found some rock climbers one third their way up El Capitan. Awesome to watch, as they take like 3 days to get to the top and sleep in their gear two nights hanging off the cliff. Just amazing to see. And the perspective is lost in small photos. You can click on this link to find them roping their way up [low bytes larger photo]:
They were less than half way. heres a small idea of El Capitan...[they are actually in these photos]

My Infrareds of Yosemite
Had a great time, so beautiful up there, you can't go wrong!
My album of Yosemite, including rainbows, falls and bears:
They were less than half way. heres a small idea of El Capitan...[they are actually in these photos]

My Infrareds of Yosemite
Had a great time, so beautiful up there, you can't go wrong!
My album of Yosemite, including rainbows, falls and bears:

The speed record for climbing El Cap is less than a day. Free and probably
mostly simul-climbing. Though most parties take a couple three days to do
the climb.
Have you done it? Theres 3 guys in my photo. Fascinating to watch.
Beautiful clear weather you had too! Sounds like you had a great time. I bet you're pleased with your photos -- they look great.
a big wall fan.
I worked in PSP on the rainbow shot, and was amazed. My husband took the photo and it was totally blown out. I didn't hike up there, just the fixer in processing, lolol..
I see you made it out to Hetch-Hetchy. Pictures of the area prior to building the
dam show it was very much like Yosemite Valley.
I don't know if you know but the owner of that facility, The San Francisco
Water Company, built a pipeline from the reservoir all the way to San Mateo
County's Crystal Springs Reservoir. The terminous is this beautiful temple
(recently renovated).
(sorry for the hijack)