gallery style smugmug

Whenever I view my own gallery or someone elses gallaery that is set to Smugmug style, the picture has started to show up under the thumbnails rather than to the right. I'm running XP and things started acting funky at the same time Internet Explorer Version 8 was installed. At first the number of thumbnails changed but the picture was where is should be. Now the number of thumbnails is back to what I normally see but the picture is showing up underneath.
SmugMug Technical Account Manager
Travel = good. Woo, shooting!
Thought for a minute this would solve it, but my browser was already at 100%. So I zoomed at 75% and still had the same problem. Finally at 50% it seems to work properly. Trouble with that is I can't read anything. Zoomed the opposite direction up to 102% and now , strangely, it seems to be working correctly.
Hang in there. If anyone else does figure it out, please let me know. Any information would help.
I have ie8 as well, running Windows 7 RC2 64Bit. Any thoughts are welcome.
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Maybe you could give it a bump with him if it's fallen in the cracks again. I think one possible answer lies in not using float to position the main image (because the browser is allowed to push floated things down if they don't fit) and use relative/absolute positioning instead where the browser doesn't get the option of pushing the main image down to a new row. Then, worst case in a miscalculation would be a few pixels of horizontal scrolling which is way better than pushing it down to a new row like it does today.
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Yeah. I tested it with Chrome as well and of course, that worked fine. I did all the normal stuff for troubleshooting IE8... reset everything...
still happening.
Without some type of feedback like this and hearing nothing on the issue for months at a time, how am I to know it didn't get lost in the cracks? It clearly isn't thought of as a very important issue by you guys or it would have been addressed many releases ago. I think you've under prioritized it so I'm taking opportunities to remind you of how regularly it occurs. It's up to you guys whether you change anything when I remind you of an unfixed issue, but I think it hardly hurts to raise it again every once in a while. If it's still not fixed in three more months, I will again ask why. That seems perfectly reasonable.
I've even wondered if you guys think there's nothing that can be done about it from posts like this and, in fact, if I didn't keep insisting that it could be fixed if you really wanted to fix it, I'm not sure it would even be on a list now.
When I'm told nothing about it's status, all I know is that I see people here running into it, I see it happen to myself occasionally and I even hear from my own viewers that it sometimes happens to them. In addition, you know it's happening many times when it isn't reported at all.
When it happens to one of your own viewers, it is an absolutely horrible experience. The Smugmug view is pretty much unusable and most viewers just dismiss it as a broken site that doesn't work. A lot of our work can go right down the drain when this happens.
So, anyway, I'm glad it's in the bug system and I hope it has a decent enough priority to get looked at some time soon. This issue is likely as old as the Smugmug view itself, though it may somehow be worse with IE8 since we seem to have a lot more reports of it in IE8 recently. Now we even have some IE8 users how can never get the problem to go away, not even by resetting the zoom level. The Smugmug view is just permanently broken for them.
I guess I should add one more thing. I do have more than 10,000 posts in dgrin (nearly all in the support and customizing forums) and very few of those are me asking for help myself. So, I do spend a pretty significant amount of time talking to your customers - probably more than many of your developers. While I have zero visibility into what you're working on internally, I do have a pretty good sense of what is affecting the part of your customers/viewers that are on dgrin. I'm not saying that I should get to decide anything because of that, but when I ask for something like this, it's not because it's a personal joy of mine - it's because I see customer pain and think it should be fixed.
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As a temporary workaround, I have found that if you go to the Customize page, there is the choice of SmugMug Small that you can implicitly set, that works fime in IE8. You get a smaller number of thumbs and the main picture is a bit smaller, but it all stays put where it is supposed to...
Just thought i'd share...
With Windows Update adding Internet Explorer 8 to its list, this problem is going to become more widespread.
Please understand that we can't send an email to all of our website's users telling them to not update to IE 8.
I hope this issue can be addressed ASAP since it will effect every SmugMug website that uses the Gallery setting.
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I don't have any extra tool bars, add-ons or a side bar.
My SmugMug website is protected. Can I email you directly with the link and password?
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Custom site (1440x900)
SmugMug site, no customizing (1440x900)
I'm gonna keep trying!
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EDIT: You also have javascript error on your page, look at the little yellow triangle lower left on your page in IE8.
if you are getting a wrapping, please change in your browser url bar, to and see if the problem lies in the javascript error.
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Page>zoom, and I choose any of the zooms in my IE8 and I simply can't make the mainImage wrap
I'm trying here:
and here
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1. When Internet Exporer is updated to version 8, the window zoom level is automatically set to view at 125%. You can change it of course, but this is what it sets itself at after you install, restart and open IE for the first time.
2. Internet Explorer 8 - Compatibility View Off
- Zoom level 125% - Gallery layout Wraps
- Zoom level 100% - Gallery layout Does Not Wrap
3. Internet Explorer 8 - Compatibility View On- Zoom level 125% - Gallery layout Wraps
- Zoom level 100% - Gallery layout Wraps
Okay, the first problem is that when you install IE 8, restart and open Internet Explorer, it goes through a series of questions concerning set up. It asks about Compatibility View and I assume most people will say "yes" to turning Compatibility View on.The second problem is that it installs at a zoom level of 125%. I'm sure most people will never notice this. Plus, if you change it to 100% nothing looks right on any website so they'd probably change it back to 125% anyways.
So the only IE 8 + Smug Mug gallery layout combination that works (from what I'm seeing on my computer) is:
Compatibility View Off + Zoom Level 100% = No wrapping
Like I said before, Smug Mug users can't be expected to email all of the people who frequent their website and ask them to use the above settings in IE 8 so their galleries can be viewed properly.
Kinda stinks that MSFT made another toggle to confuse people. We made it so SmugMug doesn't need any compatible view.
We'll keep looking at this!
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