Poses for Mother/Son
A friend of mine asked me to take pics of her and her toddler son. I happily accepted and we will be shooting at a park. I have some ideas but more ideas for poses or examples would be appreciated. Her son is 2 1/2 years old. Thanks!
In my experience, you'll be lucky if ANY poses work for a 2.5-year-old. Likely you'll have to try to capture some good moments as she plays with him, holds him, etc. He'll be constantly on the move.
Nikon D300, 18-135/3.5-5.6, 70-300/4.5-5.6, SB800
She could be reading to him- which may get him to sit for a moment. Chasing him. Blowing bubbles for him. You could have her lie down and let him sit on her back, looking at you over her shoulder.
Yes, be prepared to move a lot.
That's what I did on this assignment. Just let them be natural and unintrusive.
It could be a little frustrating for you, the parent and the child. lol.
One thing I've noticed is that the child's attention will be drawn to a toy in your off hand. If you have an SB speed light with auto focus asist, turn it off. They look at that instead of the lense and all of the shots will look like they are looking over the camera. If you know how to snap your fingers, do so at lense level. Every child understands that.
Good luck. Can't wait to see your photographs when you are done!
Nikon Shooter
It's all about the moment...