Versatile umbrella?
Hi everyone, looking for some advice because I'm going to be purchasing my first flash soon and I also would like to get an umbrella around 43" that can be used for shoot through as well as bounce. Ideally I would like to be able to bounce off a silver insert as well. Does anyone know of or have any experience with this?
The three functions that I am aware of:
1) Reflector, black cover on.
2) Reflector, black cover off.
3) Shoot through with cover off.
Of these I have 5 umbrellas with sizes up to 60". Typically I will use the 60" as key and a 45" as fill. Many times the key will be shoot through, but it depends on the situation.
I do recommend umbrellas as the most portable large modifiers, but I love the light from soft boxes so they have gone with me on road trips too.
Moderator of the Cameras and Accessories forums
The black cover is more to control light "spill" from the umbrella used in reflective position. If the black cover also has a silver liner then it should increase reflectivity as well (depending partly on how transmissive the umbrella itself is to the light source.)
A convertible umbrella is probably not as efficient a reflector as is a dedicated photographic "reflector only" umbrella. A dedicated silver lived umbrella is the most efficient in term of reflectivity, but it tends to be a "harder" light that I don't like for people photography.
Moderator of the Cameras and Accessories forums