WINNERS - Mini Challenge #78
Lots of great photos made it a challenge to pick three...that's why we also included some Honorable Mentions. 
Honorable Mentions
Eastern State Penitentiary, Philadelphia, PA by richtersl

Beert: "I'm a sucker for creepy abanoned places.... why? Who knows. This one conveys a sense of eerieness and mystique."
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Poor Baby by Karrie McD

Kip's Pick: "Strong B&W and excellent emotion...makes you wonder why she's pouting. Why reveal secret about the staging?"
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3RD PLACE - "Lost Faith" by OhEddie

Beert & Kip: Both of us thought this one had outstanding composition, awesome tonal range, and was on theme. I loved the sky and the detail in the building's shingles.
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2ND PLACE - "Lost to the Sandman" by ic4u

Beert: Just an all around great photo.
Kip: Again...questions with no direct she asleep or crying? The dolls with wide-open eyes in the grasp of a sleeping child was a sweet bonus. Of course...great lighting and composition and on theme.
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1ST PLACE - "The Forgotten Stairs" by Karrie McD

Beert: I think this really portrays the theme. There are so many possibilities with an empty house and dilapidated staircase. The stories that race through the mind of why this house is abandoned and are endless. Maybe I'm just negative, but all my thoughts and feelings do reflect loss in this one.
Kip: I loved the composition and the color palette. Like Beert, I thought about all the stories this house could tell as vines slowly crept up the walls. A beautiful picture.
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Awesome job to everyone! :thumb
Thanks for making our "job" difficult. Hopefully see you all in another challenge.
Special "Thanks!" to Beert for being kind enough during his VERY hectic schedule to help me out. gotta get some of your pics on this site.

Honorable Mentions
Eastern State Penitentiary, Philadelphia, PA by richtersl

Beert: "I'm a sucker for creepy abanoned places.... why? Who knows. This one conveys a sense of eerieness and mystique."
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Poor Baby by Karrie McD

Kip's Pick: "Strong B&W and excellent emotion...makes you wonder why she's pouting. Why reveal secret about the staging?"
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3RD PLACE - "Lost Faith" by OhEddie

Beert & Kip: Both of us thought this one had outstanding composition, awesome tonal range, and was on theme. I loved the sky and the detail in the building's shingles.
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2ND PLACE - "Lost to the Sandman" by ic4u

Beert: Just an all around great photo.
Kip: Again...questions with no direct she asleep or crying? The dolls with wide-open eyes in the grasp of a sleeping child was a sweet bonus. Of course...great lighting and composition and on theme.
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1ST PLACE - "The Forgotten Stairs" by Karrie McD

Beert: I think this really portrays the theme. There are so many possibilities with an empty house and dilapidated staircase. The stories that race through the mind of why this house is abandoned and are endless. Maybe I'm just negative, but all my thoughts and feelings do reflect loss in this one.
Kip: I loved the composition and the color palette. Like Beert, I thought about all the stories this house could tell as vines slowly crept up the walls. A beautiful picture.
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Awesome job to everyone! :thumb
Thanks for making our "job" difficult. Hopefully see you all in another challenge.
Special "Thanks!" to Beert for being kind enough during his VERY hectic schedule to help me out. gotta get some of your pics on this site.
Can't wait to see what you pick for "your" theme Karrie..
and also a excellent choice for 2nd (which was my fave this round)
congrats all!....
Kip, great job with the judging and comments. You handled it great!
My SmugMug
Congratulations ...... Facebook
Very thought provoking image!
Very humbled to have received 2nd place, thanks Kip, and your co-judge
Congrats to all who entered, some very inspirational photos!
Thanks for the nod Aaron:D
"Dance like no one is watching. Sing like no one is listening. Love like you've never been hurt and live like it's heaven on Earth." — Mark Twain
So many great photos! I'm honored and thrilled!!!
I am currently running in slow motion. It is 90+ outside and my AC went out last night and I have a head cold and a lot of work to get done asap. So, please be patient I will think on a theme and get everything for the next mini challenge up and running by tomorrow, at the latest.
Again thanks everyone!!! And congrats to ALL on such amazing photos!
Thanks for letting me participate!
Hi Beert! Great job helping out Kip.
You know, there is also a Sports thread you mght be interested in... but you never know when that hockey picture will work great for a challenge. Stick around long enough and we will have you taking pictures of things you never thought of!
Welcome to the forums!
My SmugMug
Nice to meet you! Looking forward to seeing some photos from you.
Oy! Now that stinks. Hope you feel better soon and that you get that AC up and running again.
Tough theme on the next challenge. I'll have to put my thinking cap on.
I go on vacation for 10 days and come back to civilization and get a double whammy of good news.
First, thanks for selecting my image as one of the finalist. 3rd place, Yay!!! I think that's the best I've ever gotten in a Dgrin challenge.
Second, I have also received an email from Rick LePage, the editor in chief of Photoshop Elements Techniques magazine letting me know this same image has been selected for publication in the Subscriber Showcase section of the July/August issue. So if anyone else is a Photoshop Elements Techniques subscriber, be on the lookout for my photo.
And last but not least, congrats to Karrie McD for her outstanding image. Great job everyone.
Now I'm going to find out what theme Karrie has selected for the next challenge.
Thanks again to all for letting me be a part of this.
> My SmugMug website
> Inside Dakota Sports