Waxing Gibbous Moon @ 1000mm

Still getting a handle on the Bigma, I've read it doesn't do well with the x2 teleconverter so that's what I'm using to shoot the moon :barb
Slik tripod, Jobu Jr 2 gimgal, wireless shutter release.
Shutter priority 1/160, + 1 EV, iso 100, f 12.6 (wide open), 2 second mirror lockup.
The only changes to the raw file I made in Studio is a small crop, noise filter to high and convert to jpeg.
Then in Elements 7 I made some lighting, brightness and contrast adjustments, ran it through Noiseware and a +1 sharpening in FastStone Image Viewer.

Cheers, Don
Still getting a handle on the Bigma, I've read it doesn't do well with the x2 teleconverter so that's what I'm using to shoot the moon :barb
Slik tripod, Jobu Jr 2 gimgal, wireless shutter release.
Shutter priority 1/160, + 1 EV, iso 100, f 12.6 (wide open), 2 second mirror lockup.
The only changes to the raw file I made in Studio is a small crop, noise filter to high and convert to jpeg.
Then in Elements 7 I made some lighting, brightness and contrast adjustments, ran it through Noiseware and a +1 sharpening in FastStone Image Viewer.

Cheers, Don
It's not what you look at that matters: Its what you see!
Link to my Smugmug site
Which was cloudy
I have no doubt a cropped shot without the teleconverter will have more detail.
FYI, a member on the 4/3 forum offered to try his hand at PP'ing this image.
This was his result....
Cheers, Don
Product Photography
My Acreage Bird Photographs
When you get a good moon shoot, they take very little processing.
Here's a link to one of mine in a very similar phase. I stacked two TC1.4x extenders on a 400mm lens for this (780mm total).
Link to my Smugmug site
I do feel the rework was a little sharp and bright in spots but I did receive some very good pointers on processing
Your shot is Quite Nice, perhaps a tad bright on my monitor but Great detail. I wonder if the use of two shorter teleconverters is what made the difference or simply a better lens?
Also Kuso on your shot says f 5.6 ??? The bigma + ec20 wide open is f 12.6.. and my shot at 1/160 is at least two stops underexposed.
Here's hoping for clear skies tonight...
Cheers, Don
Product Photography
My Acreage Bird Photographs
Link to my Smugmug site
Conditions were not ideal but after a couple nights of rain and clouds I'll take what I can get
Cropped of course and just basic processing.
The Bigma alone does stand up to the cropping necessary to arrive at an image the same size as with the TC2.
Two things I need to do, work on my processing and definitely move to focusing with live view.
Cheers, Don
Product Photography
My Acreage Bird Photographs
I would think that the Bigma could produce a better photo than this. I took this photo of the moon a few nights ago with my Sony A700 and Tamron 7-300mm (cheap lens) at 300mm.
Don, I am not attempting to slam your photo at all!! I just think that it could be better, but not sure if it is equipment or processing.
Nikon D600, Nikon 85 f/1.8G, Nikon 24-120mm f/4, Nikon 70-300, Nikon SB-700, Canon S95
The images I've posted are meant to be works in progress and do not represent what the Bigma is capable of, I should have been more clear on this point.
I did mention I need to work on my processing, the files from the Bigma are quite a bit different than files from the Zuiko Digital lenses.
Hopefully some will find this exercise more useful than just posting a final product.
Cheers, Don
Product Photography
My Acreage Bird Photographs
Nikon D600, Nikon 85 f/1.8G, Nikon 24-120mm f/4, Nikon 70-300, Nikon SB-700, Canon S95