Watermark doubled on photos displayed using custom sizes
I just noticed that some watermarks are being doubled on my photos, when viewed on the iPhone or my flash slideshow. I think it occurs when I replace a photo with a new one.
For instance:
This photo: http://www.jonpratt.net/keyword/favorite#565887793_4jD8r
shows one watermark at bottom.
The same photo on my iphone shows two watermarks in the bottom right corner. One smaller one, and one larger one. When I replace a photo the watermark always shows up smaller for a bit then changes to back to the regular size after a minute or so. For some reason, both show in these instances.
you can see the duplication of the watermark if you go to
http://www.jonpratt.net/iphone/ select keywords then favorite 3rd photo down. This is also occurring on other photos (many on that "favorite" page) but I'm going to mess around with those and see if I can remove the watermark completely then re-watermark it.
Again this shows on the iPhone and in the flash slideshow on my "home" page.
For instance:
This photo: http://www.jonpratt.net/keyword/favorite#565887793_4jD8r
shows one watermark at bottom.
The same photo on my iphone shows two watermarks in the bottom right corner. One smaller one, and one larger one. When I replace a photo the watermark always shows up smaller for a bit then changes to back to the regular size after a minute or so. For some reason, both show in these instances.
you can see the duplication of the watermark if you go to
http://www.jonpratt.net/iphone/ select keywords then favorite 3rd photo down. This is also occurring on other photos (many on that "favorite" page) but I'm going to mess around with those and see if I can remove the watermark completely then re-watermark it.
Again this shows on the iPhone and in the flash slideshow on my "home" page.
Very odd. We're taking a look at this now. We are seeing some instances of it, but haven't been able to reproduce it just yet. We're digging! Thanks so much for letting us know, and the info you were able to give us. Much appreciated!
BizDev Account Manager
Image Specialist & Pro Concierge
I hotlink custom size images of Size=300x300 on our main page and thats where the double watermarks are seen. I dont see them anywhere when I enter the gallery.
I use custom sizes all of the time when I display photos in my blog. This morning I noticed that the watermarks on all of the photos from one of my galleries - as displayed in my blog - are doubled. The watermarks are not doubled if I use a standard size.
I reproduced the problem within a gallery, so it is not something that is specific to blogger. Here's a link to the gallery - http://denise.smugmug.com/gallery/7409619_Tz63P.
I'll include 2 of the photos here too (the gallery shows 2 photos twice, one as -M.jpg, and one as -600x600.jpg, and it pulls photos from 2 different galleries, showing that it is not a gallery-specific problem).
Displayed as -800x800.jpg - http://denise.smugmug.com/photos/569110563_X7fGv-800x800.jpg, watermark is doubled:
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at https://denisegoldberg.blogspot.com
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at https://denisegoldberg.blogspot.com
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I can't tell you exactly when it crept in, but I believe it was within the last few days. I know that a post I made on June 28th that included photos from smug was fine. And I know that a post I made this morning was not.
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at https://denisegoldberg.blogspot.com
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at https://denisegoldberg.blogspot.com
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at https://denisegoldberg.blogspot.com
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it's a bug, and we'll get it fixed as soon as possible, sorry for the hassle folks.
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As with Denise and CosmicVoyager, I'm getting the duplicates. I noticed it on my slideshow but they don't exist in the Favorites gallery that's the source of the images for the slideshow. Also, I don't think it's only on replacement images. A few, I'm pretty sure were photos that I uploaded with an existing watermark and then removed the auto-watermark added by SmugMug. They look fine in the album but the slideshow is where it shows up. I haven't dug any deeper than that to see if the issues other people are having exist in my case - I'll wait and see what you guys find.
Just another sample for you if it will help you troubleshoot the issue.
Thanks, John
Hi there.
This is kind of weird. On my slideshow the portrait aspect images have TWO watermarks! I would rather there were no watermaks at all on the slideshow. Is there a way to turn it off?
My Vancouver Island Photography Website http://bradpowellphoto.com
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The only way I'm aware of to remove watermarks from your slideshow is to generate the slideshow from a gallery that is not watermarked.
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at https://denisegoldberg.blogspot.com
Watermarks in my slideshow on the homepage are still doubled. Hope a fix is coming soon...
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--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at https://denisegoldberg.blogspot.com
I'm still seeing double watermarks in my slideshows.
UPDATE: I guess the bugfix takes a while to propagate? My slideshows are not mostly OK, although a small proportion are still showing double watermarks.
So because WM's can not be set in the popular gallery it's adding the default
instead of doubling like the others.
My Website index | My Blog
All but one of my homepage slideshow images still are watermarked double. Am I missing something? I haven't touched the slideshow or its images in weeks...
I've got double watermarks on about 1/2 my images in my homepage slideshow too. I'm a brand new user, just setting up my site, as of a few days ago. Anyway, doesn't see to be any pattern to which ones have the double watermark and whitch ones don't.
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Well, now it appears that it may just be cached - when I switched browsers, it's OK now.
Edited to add - yup - I cleared my cache in IE and everything is fine now.