July 4th Fireworks - The Woodlands, TX

I am still learning and am very much a beginner. But I went to my towns Fire Work show tonight and practiced.
These are no where as nice as what those of you that regularly post, but I am happy that I at least got the lens cap off...
I had my camera set to BULB mode for the shutter release and used my wired remote. I played with the f stop probably more than I should have, but for my first ever attempt at capturing fireworks, I am pleased. I would enjoy reading what critiques you all may have.
See the entire gallery here....
100% Crop, f11, iso100, 1.2 sec, 42mm

Link to a short video, from the middle of the show. I forgot to open up the f-STOP and it is a little dark. Its so/so (ok?) I guess.
f11, iso100, 5.8sec

f5, iso100, 1sec

f8, iso100, 1.8sec

f11, iso100, 1.8sec

f5.6, iso100, 2.1sec

f11, iso100, 3.5 sec, 200mm

f11, iso100, 7.3 sec, 46mm

Link to video of the finale, same story as the previous video... aperture is to small, I should have opened it up some so it would not have been so dark, well I think I should have used a smaller fStop???....
These are no where as nice as what those of you that regularly post, but I am happy that I at least got the lens cap off...
I had my camera set to BULB mode for the shutter release and used my wired remote. I played with the f stop probably more than I should have, but for my first ever attempt at capturing fireworks, I am pleased. I would enjoy reading what critiques you all may have.
See the entire gallery here....
100% Crop, f11, iso100, 1.2 sec, 42mm

Link to a short video, from the middle of the show. I forgot to open up the f-STOP and it is a little dark. Its so/so (ok?) I guess.
f11, iso100, 5.8sec

f5, iso100, 1sec

f8, iso100, 1.8sec

f11, iso100, 1.8sec

f5.6, iso100, 2.1sec

f11, iso100, 3.5 sec, 200mm

f11, iso100, 7.3 sec, 46mm

Link to video of the finale, same story as the previous video... aperture is to small, I should have opened it up some so it would not have been so dark, well I think I should have used a smaller fStop???....
Cool.. I've never seen a long exposure of one of the smiley face fireworks before... looks like an evil sun...