The Olympics from Hurricane Ridge

Spent a day at Hurricane Ridge in Olympic National Park and shot it at sunset and sunrise for the first time (my previous visits were in the day without a camera). Definitely need to head back to this place, and it's really close to Seattle (compared to the beaches and rain forest).
I think I got better deer photos than landscapes though, here's the deer thread:



I think I got better deer photos than landscapes though, here's the deer thread:




I agree with the critique. If you could darken the skies a bit and even increase the saturation, they'd be all that much better.
Yeah, I did the Hurricane Hill trail (awesome views), and the little trails near the visitor center (no more than a mile round trip) trying to scout for locations. I ultimately decided that near the visitor center had the best possibilities because of the foreground elements. I didn't go on any of the longer trails or on Obstruction Point road, maybe next time.
I agree with you and Mahesh that #1 and #4 could benefit from a darker sky, and they could all use a saturation boost. My post-processing skills got exponentially worse as I tried to blister through all the photos from the weekend without getting sufficient sleep. There's probably a lesson in there somewhere...
I forgot to mention, as I was leaving Hurricane Ridge at sunrise I saw two gorgeous black bears (not cubs, but not adults either) cross the road. My gear was all packed up so I couldn't take any photos, but they were awesome. And unlike most black bears I've seen in the wild, these ones were actually black and not brown.
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