Waiting for Mr UPS....

divamumdivamum Registered Users Posts: 9,021 Major grins
edited July 13, 2009 in Accessories
Nobody else will understand (my family think I'm NUTS), so I'm posting here ...

Despite having planned on waiting for quite some time before getting one, I stumbled over a bargain 200L 2.8 at KEH, and it was way too good a deal to walk past. I've sold a few more things and dipped into the camera slushfund and It should be here tomorrow.

Can we say, "impatient"??!!????! My first L lens!!!


  • ziggy53ziggy53 Super Moderators Posts: 24,187 moderator
    edited July 7, 2009
    At the resk of personal injury I would suggest that "Diva" and "patience" are mutually exclusive. rolleyes1.gif

    Congratulaions (in advance).
    Moderator of the Cameras and Accessories forums
  • divamumdivamum Registered Users Posts: 9,021 Major grins
    edited July 7, 2009
    ziggy53 wrote:
    At the resk of personal injury I would suggest that "Diva" and "patience" are mutually exclusive. rolleyes1.gif

    Congratulaions (in advance).


    Don't worry - I'm not QUITE in the Miss Piggy Samurai league (yet :D)

    ::taps fingers, looks at watch and wishes it were already Wednesday::
  • Scott_QuierScott_Quier Registered Users Posts: 6,524 Major grins
    edited July 8, 2009
    divamum wrote:

    Don't worry - I'm not QUITE in the Miss Piggy Samurai league (yet :D)

    ::taps fingers, looks at watch and wishes it were already Wednesday::
    Well, it's Wednesday - have you got the lens yet??????

    We want pictures!!!!
  • divamumdivamum Registered Users Posts: 9,021 Major grins
    edited July 8, 2009
    Well, it's Wednesday - have you got the lens yet??????

    We want pictures!!!!

    Waaahhhhh! No, not yet. I have to teach for a couple of hours now, so I'm hoping it will be here by the time I'm finished. My daughter has been warned that she WILL act as a model today, like it or not! (Her response was merely to roll her eyes and say, "MOOOOOmmmmmmmm!!!") rolleyes1.gif
  • jeffreaux2jeffreaux2 Registered Users Posts: 4,762 Major grins
    edited July 8, 2009
    Sheesh....I guess you havent watched the news....UPS went on stirke last night.....eek7.gif


    Just kidding...congrats on the new glass, can't wait to see some samples from it!:D
  • lindazgrinlindazgrin Registered Users Posts: 39 Big grins
    edited July 8, 2009
    wow....now that's a buy! I'm a Nikon girl but I still appreciate good glass when I see it :D

    Can't wait to see pictures from that one. Congrats.
    D300 l 85/1.4 l 35/2 l 50/1.8 l 70-300vr l 28-105 l tokina 17-50/2.8 l 135ais l Sb600 and sb900 l Mac
  • MitchellMitchell Registered Users Posts: 3,503 Major grins
    edited July 8, 2009
    Congrats on the new glass!!

    DM: Mommy will be taking your photo today. You name the time.

    Progeny: Mom!!! I'm busy now.

    DM: I'm locking you in your room. Tell me when you want to be let out and have your picture taken.mwink.gif
  • divamumdivamum Registered Users Posts: 9,021 Major grins
    edited July 8, 2009
    Mitchell wrote:
    Congrats on the new glass!!

    DM: Mommy will be taking your photo today. You name the time.

    Progeny: Mom!!! I'm busy now.

    DM: I'm locking you in your room. Tell me when you want to be let out and have your picture taken.mwink.gif

    Wait - how did you install the hidden camera in my house????!!! eek7.gif :lol4

    Of course, I was imperiously told "Later", but I can wait. The light will be prettier then too :D

    (to those who haven't seen the thread to which we're referring, don't worry. No children were harmed in the making of this post... rolleyes1.gif)
  • MitchellMitchell Registered Users Posts: 3,503 Major grins
    edited July 8, 2009
    I have a Nikon 180mm, f2.8 that is a lovely, light prime lens. I suspect it may be similar to what you have purchased.

    A wonderful focal length for portraits. I shoot mine in my garage when I think to use it.

  • divamumdivamum Registered Users Posts: 9,021 Major grins
    edited July 8, 2009
    Little more than a snapshot so far (and no magic garage to play in :D), but... I think I'm going to enjoy this hunk o' glass iloveyou.gif Can we say, "Bokeh"? And this thing focuses to die for, practically faster than I can point it. Have to be super-careful about where *I* put the focus point and make sure I keep the shutter speeds up (not quite as perfect here as I'd like, but it will do for a first attempt), but when I do.... YUMMY!!!

    I still can't believe that I picked this up net cost to me (after all was said and done with my own sales) ~$250. I was going to buy a 50 1.4 next, but this was such a silly great deal that there was no way I was going to walk past it, and I think I was right!!! wings.gif

    This wide open at 2.8
  • ziggy53ziggy53 Super Moderators Posts: 24,187 moderator
    edited July 8, 2009
    ziggy53 wrote:
    Congratulaions (in advance).

    Congratulaions (for real this time). thumb.gifclap.gif
    Moderator of the Cameras and Accessories forums
  • Scott_QuierScott_Quier Registered Users Posts: 6,524 Major grins
    edited July 8, 2009
    Wonderful ... and what a deal on the price! Sounds good. How does the lens look?
  • Jeremy WinterbergJeremy Winterberg Registered Users Posts: 1,233 Major grins
    edited July 8, 2009
    Congrats on the L glass! Can't wait to see some photos taken of models that actually want to be in front of that beast!

    I too have been waiting for the UPS man for the past couple of days.

    Today I received my Scott Kelby World Wide Photo Walk Leader T-Shirt 9496500-Ti.gifclap.gif ... And now I'm waiting for my new business cards to finish printing and get shipped... :cry I'm so impatient. rolleyes1.gif

    Anyone want to buy a Canon XSi... that should give me enough money to get some L glass, ok so maybe only 1/4 of the way. bowdown.gif
  • divamumdivamum Registered Users Posts: 9,021 Major grins
    edited July 8, 2009
    Thanks all! I knew folks in here would understand the absurd thrill of not only a new lens, but a new really COOL lens :D
    Wonderful ... and what a deal on the price! Sounds good. How does the lens look?

    As far as I can tell, it looks like new - no marks, obvious brassing or anything else I've found yet. It's the Mk 1 (with built-in hood, which is the one I wanted), was EX grade, and the gross price was $525, so I sold my 55-250is and dipped into the slush fund (I've been like a little kid all year, dutifully putting a few dollars aside each week for camera gear and/or emergencies. Happily, so far it's only been needed for the former). Sure, I could have haunted FM et al for months and maybe picked one up privately for around $475, but with a return policy? No-brainer. I already have the 50mm 1.8, so the 1.4 can wait a little longer. So I now have the Tam 17-50, a 50 1.8, 100 2.0, 200 2.8, and am hanging on to the 70-210 4.0 until I absolutely HAVE to sell it so that I have something in that 70-100 gap if I ever need it, which I THINK should cover me for a while. I hope....!!(????!!??)

    The only thing I don't like about KEH is that any lenses below the "like new" grade don't come with caps, but I picked up some cheap Chinese generic ones on fleabay - I seriously don't care if they say "Canon" on them as long as they keep the dust out :D

    Now to get used to the extra weight when shooting this - if this is the "light" 200, there is NO WAY I'll ever be considering any of the 70-200 zooms, because this thing feels like a boulder in comparison to my other lenses rolleyes1.gif.
  • ToshidoToshido Registered Users Posts: 759 Major grins
    edited July 8, 2009
    Time to hit the gym. I love my 70-200 2.8 IS. It may be a beast but I still love it.

    Congrats on the new glass, getting a nice collection of lenses there.
  • ElaineElaine Registered Users Posts: 3,532 Major grins
    edited July 8, 2009
    Yay! Congrats on the new glass! That should be a really fun one to play with. Sounds like you got a great deal. clap.gif

    I'm guessing by 70-200 zooms you were referring to the 2.8 versions? The 70-200 f/4 L is super light and sweet, which makes it hard to think of getting a 2.8 version for me. I think, like you, I'd rather have a really nice prime in that range though. thumb.gif Still salivating over the 135 f/2 L.

    Comments and constructive critique always welcome!

    Elaine Heasley Photography
  • divamumdivamum Registered Users Posts: 9,021 Major grins
    edited July 8, 2009
    Elaine wrote:
    Still salivating over the 135 f/2 L.

    Yeah, me too, but that one isn't going to be in my budget for quite some time! Eventually I'd love to attain the 85/135/200 trifecta - oh and a 5d Mk II to put them on :D - but for now....

    Seriously. This is even more fun than buying shoes :Drolleyes1.gif
  • WingsOfLovePhotoWingsOfLovePhoto Registered Users Posts: 797 Major grins
    edited July 8, 2009
    Congrats on your new glass Diva! Enjoy it!
    Snady :thumb
    my money well spent :D
    Nikon D4, D3s, D3, D700, Nikkor 24-70, 70-200 2.8 vrII, 50mm 1.4, 85mm 1.4, 105mm macro, sigma fisheye, SB 800's and lots of other goodies!
  • ElaineElaine Registered Users Posts: 3,532 Major grins
    edited July 9, 2009
    divamum wrote:

    Seriously. This is even more fun than buying shoes :Drolleyes1.gif

    No doubt about that! :D

    Comments and constructive critique always welcome!

    Elaine Heasley Photography
  • MitchellMitchell Registered Users Posts: 3,503 Major grins
    edited July 9, 2009
    Where are the ears???headscratch.gif
  • divamumdivamum Registered Users Posts: 9,021 Major grins
    edited July 9, 2009
    Mitchell wrote:
    Where are the ears???headscratch.gif

    HA!! You noticed :giggle

    They are being sloowwly retired over the summer in anticipation of Middle School. I hated doing it because she's so darned cute with them, but given the well-documented awfulness of 11-13 year olds to one another, several months ago I told her that she needed to start middle school (this fall) without them. So at the moment she's starting to explore other headband options from time to time :D She still wears them, but we have graduated to wearing them by *choice* instead of necessity..... Sigh. Where's my baby gone??!:cry
  • MitchellMitchell Registered Users Posts: 3,503 Major grins
    edited July 9, 2009
    This is so sad. I hate when they grow up.

    My wife cried the other day when my 4 year old said "yellow" instead of "yeyow":cry
  • aktseaktse Registered Users Posts: 1,928 Major grins
    edited July 9, 2009
    Congrats on the new glass! I know you'll put it to good use! :D
  • jeffreaux2jeffreaux2 Registered Users Posts: 4,762 Major grins
    edited July 9, 2009
    Come on Dive....we know you took a bunch of pics already......lets have 'em!:D
  • MitchellMitchell Registered Users Posts: 3,503 Major grins
    edited July 9, 2009
    jeffreaux2 wrote:
    Come on Dive....we know you took a bunch of pics already......lets have 'em!:D

    I agree.

    Who knew she was such a tease!!
  • divamumdivamum Registered Users Posts: 9,021 Major grins
    edited July 9, 2009
    If only! Just been silly busy and am getting to know the new baby. You can be sure I'll post in due course... :D
  • divamumdivamum Registered Users Posts: 9,021 Major grins
    edited July 12, 2009
    SINCE you asked.... rolleyes1.gif


    Sharp enough for ya? mwink.gif

    This is ~100% crop, otherwise pretty much sooc/f3.2 and 1/800, handheld. (wish I'd been stopped down so the bee was in focus, but given I was just footling around, I'm not complaining :D)

    This lens is really superb, but there is definitely a learning curve with it... it's far less forgiving of my mistakes than some of my other lenses.Most particularly, it certainly demands photographer accuracy - I guess the better the glass, the more "user error" starts to show! As I work with it a little I think 1/focal length isn't actually enough to prevent camera shake at that magnification, so I think the MINIMUM handheld shutter is probably 1/250 with this one (if they ever decided to make this lens with IS I would be all over it!)

    Anyway, there ya go. It's really a fabulous piece of glass, and I'm having a lot of fun getting to know it! thumb.gif
  • Scott_QuierScott_Quier Registered Users Posts: 6,524 Major grins
    edited July 12, 2009
    divamum wrote:
    SINCE you asked.... rolleyes1.gif

    Sharp enough for ya? mwink.gif

    This is ~100% crop, otherwise pretty much sooc/f3.2 and 1/800, handheld. (wish I'd been stopped down so the bee was in focus, but given I was just footling around, I'm not complaining :D)
    This lens is really superb, but there is definitely a learning curve with it... it's far less forgiving of my mistakes than some of my other lenses.Most particularly, it certainly demands photographer accuracy - I guess the better the glass, the more "user error" starts to show! As I work with it a little I think 1/focal length isn't actually enough to prevent camera shake at that magnification, so I think the MINIMUM handheld shutter is probably 1/250 with this one (if they ever decided to make this lens with IS I would be all over it!)

    Anyway, there ya go. It's really a fabulous piece of glass, and I'm having a lot of fun getting to know it! thumb.gif
    The 1/FL rule of thumb was/is from the days of full frame. With crop sensor, you have to throw in the 1.6 (1.5 for Nikon) multiplier. So, at 200mm, you might think of your "rule of thumb" being 1/200 * 1/1.6 = 1/320s
  • divamumdivamum Registered Users Posts: 9,021 Major grins
    edited July 13, 2009
    The 1/FL rule of thumb was/is from the days of full frame. With crop sensor, you have to throw in the 1.6 (1.5 for Nikon) multiplier. So, at 200mm, you might think of your "rule of thumb" being 1/200 * 1/1.6 = 1/320s

    Well 11doh.gif. Talk about "not considering the blindingly obvious" - I can't believe that never occurred to me! I shall now mentally recalibrate myself properly nod.gif:D
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