Rt66 Pinup Shots -- Mr. D'z
This is from the same shoot as my previous post, Best View in Kingman . Just to recap, I got to bum around Rt66 in Kingman with my very own pin-up model for a few hours. These are some shots with a car at Mr. D'z, a Kingman landmark.
(Funny story about the car. The reason I met Cherelynn is because she needed a photographer to shoot her with a nice hot-rod car in Laughlin that she had lined-up. The photo was to be submitted with an application to an NHRA paid gig in Las Vegas. Unfortunately, the car fell through. Cherelynn decided to come to Kingman to get some shots anyway because it was about 15 degrees cooler than Laughlin (it was only 100F in Kingman). On my way to meet her, I see this oddball wreck of a jalopy parked outside of a laundromat. So I went inside, found the owner, and talked him into taking it to Mr. D'z for the shoot. The guy was a really-good-sport, and hey, the car was better than nothing. )
Here are a few shots we got.
8 "Get your Kicks on Rt66"
BTW, that's John on the right, the good sport who owned the car!
Thanks for looking, and Comments Appreciated!
(Funny story about the car. The reason I met Cherelynn is because she needed a photographer to shoot her with a nice hot-rod car in Laughlin that she had lined-up. The photo was to be submitted with an application to an NHRA paid gig in Las Vegas. Unfortunately, the car fell through. Cherelynn decided to come to Kingman to get some shots anyway because it was about 15 degrees cooler than Laughlin (it was only 100F in Kingman). On my way to meet her, I see this oddball wreck of a jalopy parked outside of a laundromat. So I went inside, found the owner, and talked him into taking it to Mr. D'z for the shoot. The guy was a really-good-sport, and hey, the car was better than nothing. )
Here are a few shots we got.
8 "Get your Kicks on Rt66"
BTW, that's John on the right, the good sport who owned the car!
Thanks for looking, and Comments Appreciated!
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My rambling addiction: Crunchy Monkeys
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Neal Jacob
NAPP Member | Canon Shooter
Weddings/Portraits and anything else that catches my eye.
Model Mayhem site http://www.modelmayhem.com/686552
I'm hoping Nik, or maybe you now, bring some models on our trip
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Thanks, MissB! Good comments. You're absolutely right that a shallower DOF would have helped these shots. That's what happens when a landscape photographer attempts portraits. I'll definitely keep this in mind next time.
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Thanks for the comments.
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I could easily use your model for what i want to shoot for the current challenge as she just has that......well ALL THAT!!!
BTW, Nik does a little modeling himself you know.
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Thanks for the ideas, Swartzy!
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She looks very deformed
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But the processing is pleasing....
I guess you either love wide-angle distortion, or you hate it. I happen to like it, although I probably wouldn't have processed this particular shot on my own. She remembered it through and asked me about it specifically yesterday. So I dug it up and tried out some of Swartzy's ideas on it. She really likes the results and put it on her blog. http://cherelynn.azsupermodels.com/
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OK, so what do I know. I couldn't get past the "distortion", but yes the processing is good.
On my way to Vegas.
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