Night Heron BIF(s) in rain

Rain has blurred my photos several times this month. But darn it, these are night herons, don't want to trash them right off. I wish I could "see" the rain, not have blur, lack of contrast, etc. I still do find these shots rather pleasing such as they are.
Rather than force them to be what they are not, I tried to leave them light and "rainy" looking. I did try other ways, this seemed best.
It might interest some people to know that I did not go out to shoot night herons, not at all. He was there, thought it would take a second. HUH! He would not leave, and when he did, he returned etc. Some people spooked him at one point and I thanked them, not that I would have intentionally done a thing to spook him myself, no way, I know better now. He and I were joined at the hip, in rain and shine, for better or for worse. ETc.
If you all have trashed hundreds of photos like this, well, I kind of like them. I would like to see yours, too.

Above: taking off from his second perch. Rain, light......sigh.....
This is another, it is kind of blurred. I did use Neat Ninja on these, all of them with the lines, uploaded them to Smugmug, can't tell which ones I used NN on.
Below, I can tell it is NN, because the water is sharpened.

Has anyone noticed that birds take off AWAY from you??
Maybe when I am as good as you, tomorrow, I will dump these shots, too.
This was clear across the water. Two Night Herons. I don't know if they qualify as a double, they are not optimal: by hey, I was trying. On the first lock, photos, they were not in focus.

Thank you for looking and commenting, I appreciate it.
What do you all do in the rain, no, I don't mean come inside, however, if that is what everyone else has the sense to do..............maybe I should, too.
The last shot, I don't think it was raining. I didn't notice when it was and when it wasn't. At the end I realized I should have the WB on sun, since it was RAW, I wasn't too worried, but that is how unaware I was about rain, per se.
Misery in my body was there, but so was adrenalin.
You all will be happy to know I can walk and stand up again, today.
After all is said and done, it is the sweet tea.
I was having the rain problem, but also, there is blurring do to the shutter speed. Often I was shooting at f5.6, started at f8, but I changed. Don't remember when. The highest I put my ISO was 800, and I had to. We left at 5:30, that is usually the time we get there.
I don't know quite what to do about that. A tripod is not going to slow down wings, even if it were convenient.
thanks again. Yes, the second shot is mostly, enough, in focus to make a good butt shot of a BIF.
don't remember the others right off.. One is not in focus at all, I like blur, am going to have a whole thread on it sometime. Am sure no one will look, will put it on Cool shots, or something.