Incompatible flash or user error?

I just ordered a dslr300 universal flash for my Canon Rebel XS. No matter what I try, they don't seem to talk to each other. (I read ALL the directions, suggestions, etc.) The flash works fine using the test button, but i get nothing with shutter button.
Anyone have any ideas? Is it me? Is it the flash? Thanks.

You might want to try it on another camera before returning it just to be sure.
Also check the Setup Menu #2 on the camera, the second yellow wrench menu, and make sure that the "Flash Control" menu item has the "Flash firing" set to "Enable".
Moderator of the Cameras and Accessories forums
Also you may want to do a google like (Flash name) vs (my camera name) comparison ........remove the () before googling:D
SIGMA EF530 ST - canon B/H.........$169......ziggy really like the Sigma Flashes also...............
I strongly recommend the Sigma DG Super flashes. Compared to the Sigma ST series they are much more capable and flexible and don't cost all that much more.
For a Canon camera I recommend this model:
Moderator of the Cameras and Accessories forums
My honest recommendation is to wait until you can afford at least the Sigma I linked to or a Canon 430EX at a similar price. These will give you a high level of automation and use the E-TTL II technology with compatible Canon cameras "and" lenses. (Full E-TTL II requires compatible camera, lens and flash units. Any incompatibilities will render less automation and, potentially, less accurate flash exposure through automation,)
You can use an older technology with less automation like:
Sunpak 383 Super
Vivitar 285HV (the "HV" is very important)
Either of these are pretty good for basic "auto" and manual flash use, although the Sunpak is a bit more useful in that it has both tilt and swivel functions. The Sunpak has not been in production for some time so you will only likely find a used copy. The Vivitar is sometimes brought back to production but I'm not sure if new ones are readily available now.
An "auto" flash can do some flash automation, but the automation is based on a relatively simple sensor on the flash itself. The auto flash sensor measures light output from the flash and "clamps" the output when the sensor and output settings agree. It can be fooled by very light or very dark background or foreground items, and reflective surfaces. As long as you understand the limitations it is still very useful.
Full manual mode is actually the most accurate mode if the flash is both accurate and repeatable in output versus flash settings. "You" are responsible for setting the flash output and distance, but a competent user can deliver excellent results with a manual flash.
Moderator of the Cameras and Accessories forums