Popular Photos: View Count instead of Thumb Ratings?

In all my galleries I've disabled the Photorank feature so users aren't able to give my photos a thumbs up/thumbs down. But I like the idea of displaying popular photos on my main galleries page. From everything I've read and could find, popular photos are only based on thumbs (and comments) ratings, not on views.
Is there a way to display a popular photo list based on most viewed photos instead of Photorank/thumbs up ratings?
Is there a way to display a popular photo list based on most viewed photos instead of Photorank/thumbs up ratings?
Sealed Glass Photo
Sealed Glass Photo
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Thanks for the quick reply. I'll add it to the feature request feedback forum.
Sealed Glass Photo
Is there a way to find out how many thumbs up/down a photo has?
But, I still can't seem to get a list of popular photos for my site based on view counts. If I go to:
it is still based on thumb up/thumb down... which is lame, since that doesn't work for SmugIslands.
The stats page inside the control panel shows the info for my SmugIsland just fine... why can't I have a /popular style thumbnail list to match?
Like shaunco (and 87 others), I'm also looking for a way to display "Most Viewed" photos on my home page. The stats help, but still require a manual process to get "Most Viewed" photos to display (via a customized gallery on the home page).
If viewed stats are available, why can't there be a "Most Viewed" option for a slideshow on the home page?
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