What batteries do you prefer for your external flash?
I've always used rechargeables (can't remember for sure, but I think they're supposed to be better for camera equipment), but have heard recently that it's really best to use non-rechargeables. What do you use? Have you ever paid attention to see about how many photos you can take with them?
I read my equipments manuals about batteries....I purchased 40 rechargeable's for a flash i was going to purchase only to fine out that the extra power stored in the battery messd with the flashes cpu some how......I was having trouble getting to allow me to make custom settings and then pulled the rechargable's and placed regular Duracell alkaline's in and like magic all worked perfectly.....I prefer rechargabe's because I won't be tossing as many batts in the trash and harming our environment.....but will use alkalines when i have to.....
As for brands......I have gotten great results from using the red/gold packaged panasonic and other than those I use DURACELL they have out performed all others (besides the panasonics, to which I believe they are equal)..................
I am pretty anal about keeping each set of four together as a set....labeling the batteries in sets of four as ....A, B, C, and so on. Each set is charged, used, and when it's time discarded as a set of four.
For weddings, I useually have the huge box of duracells in my bag as well.....just in case. I don't normally use the duraxells in my flash, but will if I run low on the rechargeables. The unused duracells are given to our houshold battery drawer for other devices to use....after awhile.
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That said, my preference for off camera flash are Lumedynes and a flash meter or the Lumedyne flash chart. Reliable as a hunk of granite and the results have been infinately repeatable.
Tom B
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