used camera advice needed

hello all!
quick question for you:
just bought a used black 300d for my brother in law's birthday gift. camera arrived today in perfect condition (despite UPS' best they play rugby with these things?) and exactly as described. put it through a few pics with several different lenses and no worries save for one...
it appears the former owner, while a man who babies his gear, was an indoor smoker. camera, battery, charger, and box all have a bit of the ash tray funk about them. i got a good deal on the camera and it works and looks great, but giving a gift that smells like last night in vegas...
i bought it off FM and i was under the impression that people stated if they were a smoker or not (wrong impression, you have to ask!). to be honest, i may have bought it even if i knew 'cause it was a good deal.
any idea how to get this bad boy smelling better? not the end of the world, but i would be nice to exorcise the ghost of joe camel before the gift is unwrapped.
thanks for any/all suggestions
quick question for you:
just bought a used black 300d for my brother in law's birthday gift. camera arrived today in perfect condition (despite UPS' best they play rugby with these things?) and exactly as described. put it through a few pics with several different lenses and no worries save for one...
it appears the former owner, while a man who babies his gear, was an indoor smoker. camera, battery, charger, and box all have a bit of the ash tray funk about them. i got a good deal on the camera and it works and looks great, but giving a gift that smells like last night in vegas...
i bought it off FM and i was under the impression that people stated if they were a smoker or not (wrong impression, you have to ask!). to be honest, i may have bought it even if i knew 'cause it was a good deal.
any idea how to get this bad boy smelling better? not the end of the world, but i would be nice to exorcise the ghost of joe camel before the gift is unwrapped.
thanks for any/all suggestions

If it were anything but a camera I would say febreeze it, but that might be such a good idea. :uhoh
I just press the button and the camera goes CLICK. :dunno
Canon: gripped 20d and 30d, 10-22 3.5-4.5, 17-55 IS, 50mm f1.8, 70-200L IS, 85mm f1.8, 420ex
sigma: 10-20 4-5.6 (for sale), 24-70 2.8 (for sale), 120-300 2.8
I'd also sit the camera outside in subdued sunlight or shade and fresh air for a few hours - taking care not to let it get too warm sitting in direct sunlight. I suspect these measures will remove most of your olfactory distress.
Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin
How did your test go ?
I'm a smoker and use a product called "Plexus" found at most cycle shops. Can't say I've used it on the camera but it's could stuff of course only for the outside, spray some on a micro fiber cloth and give it a go. I got a bunch at home if we can hook up.
My Galleries
For the smell I would think a great cleaning would help, getting down with q-tips into every crack but the best solution might be baking soda. I would try leaving the camera and some baking soda inside a large sealed plastic bag. Just have a box of baking soda open and this should elimate some of the smell. Be careful to not spill any while inside the bag.
If this doesn't work I'm not sure how besides a heavy detailed cleaning out help?
thanks so much for the reply and the suggestions pathfinder
the stuff must work 'cause i missed the fact that you were a smoker! and where was that magic spray when i was trying to be careful about sneaking smokes in high school?
the test? i think it went well, and i especially appreciate you asking! 8 hours of hell...when i got home all i wanted to do was sleep, but my had wife put together a surprise party for me. i'll take margaritas over napping any day
thanks for the reply
this reminded me of the times my camera would smell like the sea after i'd been taking pictures by the water all day. it didn't smell that badly, but i could really smell it when my nose was up against the camera while taking a picture.
There is a *safe* way to use the Febreeze ...
Squirt some on a paper towel and crumple it up. Put the camera and the towel in a LARGE ziploc bag. Make sure the bag is large enough that the towel doesn't touch the camera. Seal it up overnight and by the morning, everything should be April fresh!
Good luck!
(my old man can do this...but he mainly uses it to clear rooms rather than clean cameras of smoke smell
Well, used car salesmen use the fabric softner that comes in sheets. They put it under the seats and floor, roll up the windows and in about 24 hours it smells fresh. Perhaps you could just store it in a box with several sheete of snuggles or whatever, wouldn't suggest wiping it however. This does work well for cars.
Removing the odor is fine - as long as the camera is not harmed in the process - first - do no harm - right?:): That is why I suggested a MILD water and alcohol solution used to dampen a soft cotton cloth suitable for cleaning glass. This should not harm the cameras exterior, nor will it harm the optical surfaces of the mirror, or lens elements, or viewfinder. Just my opinion, but I have used this on my cameras and lenses without apparent harm. I would NOT use Plexus or Febreeze or Fabric softener anywhere near my cameras.
Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin
Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin
only alcohol wipes used on camera exterior. camera is airing out (with lens on) and dryer sheets are stuffed in the box. hand washed the stap and dried it outside overnight. put it into a zip lock with dryer sheet.
thanks for all the suggestions regardless of moisture risk. i appreciate all the responses!