
Hi - relative noob here, and would like some thoughts on my image below. I did a self-portrait session recently (my first) and this was a side shot of me that only part was usable. What I liked about the original shot was the light on the nose, chin, lips and the composition. I decided to play around with it with PSP for a while - both to have fun and learn the program and to see what I could create out of the original.
I ended up with the piece below, which I really liked. You know that feeling when you are messing around artistically with your software and then what you have just done somehow 'clicks' with you and you know that is IT, you are DONE? So that happened. And I submitted it to a different online photo site in a monthly contest in the digital design category (I'm still very new at all this and haven't worked up the nerve to submit anything here). But it didn't even win an 'Editor's Pick'! I was a little surprised as some of my other stuff that I don't think is as good has gotten an Editor's Pick.
I'd like some feedback from you all on what you think. And what you think may be the reasons that they didn't think it was eye catching or noteworthy enough for a first round pick to go on to the finals of their monthly contest. Thanks for looking and taking the time! Kara
I ended up with the piece below, which I really liked. You know that feeling when you are messing around artistically with your software and then what you have just done somehow 'clicks' with you and you know that is IT, you are DONE? So that happened. And I submitted it to a different online photo site in a monthly contest in the digital design category (I'm still very new at all this and haven't worked up the nerve to submit anything here). But it didn't even win an 'Editor's Pick'! I was a little surprised as some of my other stuff that I don't think is as good has gotten an Editor's Pick.
I'd like some feedback from you all on what you think. And what you think may be the reasons that they didn't think it was eye catching or noteworthy enough for a first round pick to go on to the finals of their monthly contest. Thanks for looking and taking the time! Kara

Kara Stewart
Facebook Fan Page
Thanks, Dan! And thanks for your comments on my site!