Category Highlight - Missing from API
Currently to get a category and show its highlighted photo you have to get the entire tree and traverse through programmatically locating a highlight if one is available. If one is not available then a random photo can be retrieved easily.
The category highlight is very time consuming to process - I currently have a timing of ~20 seconds on my server for a gallery that contains over two-thousand albums. SmugMug however seems to display category highlights very quickly so I'm guessing it isn't being dragged down by the API.
Is there some way to get category highlighted photos quickly? IMO this is one of the primary limitations of the SmugMug API. Currently I have thousands of lines of code, along with a database structure and hundreds of SQL calls that attempt to cache SmugMug's API results that could probably all be chucked out if this info were available. The point of failure with the caching is building the initial cache - very time consuming. Album highlights are available whereas category highlights are not.
The category highlight is very time consuming to process - I currently have a timing of ~20 seconds on my server for a gallery that contains over two-thousand albums. SmugMug however seems to display category highlights very quickly so I'm guessing it isn't being dragged down by the API.
Is there some way to get category highlighted photos quickly? IMO this is one of the primary limitations of the SmugMug API. Currently I have thousands of lines of code, along with a database structure and hundreds of SQL calls that attempt to cache SmugMug's API results that could probably all be chucked out if this info were available. The point of failure with the caching is building the initial cache - very time consuming. Album highlights are available whereas category highlights are not.
Try Smugfoto in Facebook for displaying your SmugMug galleries.