Arranging photos in Gallery
I'm new to SmugMug and have a Pro account. I started a gallery of wedding pics and sorted them by upload time but would like to rearrange some specific photos manually. The problem is when i switch to manual arranging mode it disregards the sorting and then everything is out of order. Is there a way I can keep the sorting and manually arrange a few photos? Thanks for all the help!
I'm new to SmugMug and have a Pro account. I started a gallery of wedding pics and sorted them by upload time but would like to rearrange some specific photos manually. The problem is when i switch to manual arranging mode it disregards the sorting and then everything is out of order. Is there a way I can keep the sorting and manually arrange a few photos? Thanks for all the help!
"tools" "many Photos" "arrange" "sort" do your initial sort. Then arrange
individual photos.
The sort under arrange is a one time shot. New up loads will appear at the
end of the gallery.
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I could not get this solution to work. I want to start with images ordered by upload time (which is the order of my photos in Lightroom collection) and then make modifications. I did the following:
* Gallery started with AutoSort set to "upload time".
* Loaded all photos. They display in the right order.
* Set AutoSort to "none", ascending. Photos are now scrambled.
* Used Tools/Arrange/Sort, and specified "digitized time". I assumed (and hoped) that this was the same as "upload time", since no "upload time" option appears. Photos are rearranged, but not according to upload time; I'm not sure what key is being used.
* Reset gallery to AutoSort "upload time". Photos are now back in the right order, but of course cannot be manually arranged.
What am I doing wrong? Thanks.
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