
Anyone hear of this company Brightroom?
They have an ad on craigslist here in Colorado. They say they hire photographers to work for them at around $30/hr.
Doesn't sound like much but my guess is it could get you into some decent sporting events. Wonding how valid the company is.
They have an ad on craigslist here in Colorado. They say they hire photographers to work for them at around $30/hr.
Doesn't sound like much but my guess is it could get you into some decent sporting events. Wonding how valid the company is.
:wxwax Brass Knuckle Media
Tom B
lol, thanks
My house mate has just started to shoot for them.
They are legitimate.
They have some specific shooting criteria. Shoot med jpg. Leave room at top and bottom for cropping. They will expect a certain number of shots. As an example for a local foot race lasting about 2 hours they expected about 1200 images. Some jobs are a day rate, and others are hourly. They hourly rate starts when you start shooting and ends when you stop shooting. Travel time, set up whatever is on you.
At the end of the day you burn a DVD of all the photos taken and mail it off to them.
They own the copyright, so it's work for hire. Yes they have a contract.
I have seen pretty darn good experienced photographers shoot for brightroom, and I have seen beginners with a 20D and kit lens shoot for them.
I personally have no desire to shoot for them at their pay rate and under these terms.