DSS#29 How a bout

It is funny when these competitions are going the mind does strange things.
Going though Grandsons pictures today and saw this and thought of the song title.
Send in the Clowns The 1st cupcake division
Going though Grandsons pictures today and saw this and thought of the song title.
Send in the Clowns The 1st cupcake division

Chris K. NANPA Member
Made me giggle.
TravelwaysPhotos.com ...... Facebook
But I really like the take on the song! Is there any way to bring some variations into the yellow frosting? I'm on the bad monitor and it just looks like a sea of yellow; I have to look hard to see details in all but the very bottom of the frosting, they're lost on the top of the cupcakes for me.
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Saw what? Your confusing me Chris..
As far as the idea goes, I really like it and think it has a ton of potential with all of that contrasting color and witty play on the title and theme.. Although, I think it could be shot better with a slight deeper DOF, not too much deeper but a little bit more, and I would shoot it on all white with a white background.. I love the blue cup, but I don't favor the brown cups, so if you do set up this shot, I would go with different bright colors of cups or better yet all red cups and the front one blue or visa versa, etc, etc,... Man that was a mouthful, but you get what I am saying..:D:D
I took a bunch of pictures at the grandson party. I did not set up a shot or anything like that but afterward when going through the shots, I thought of the song title.
My wife spent hours baking and making them so I took a few shots for her. I signed her up for a cake decorating class. She had been certified by Wilton years ago. But she wanted to do it over since she has not use her skills in a while. Maybe she will do cakes and I can shoot the party or weddings.
Wella, no chance for reshoots after the kids had their way with them. The blue cup was a bonus
Kinkajou I will put a warning next time for clowns like I promised divamum
I would do for snakes
Thanks ALL for the feedback
yes, it is probably the withdraws.. however, I got her working on manual, which is going to be tough without any kind of focus confirmation, but at least I can shoot something.. I guess I had better hurry up and get her done before something else goes south...
P.S> Besides with all of this time on my hands, I have more time to bug you...
You make me laugh Chris; and you gave my husband a good laugh too, he knows I can't stand Hendrix. He used to play it all the time when we met, especially when he wanted revenge lol
I had thought of Misty Mountain Hop
Thanks for the chuckle.
Ha! Thanks
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Hey I can always use the wedding shots from this weekend.
Here comes the bride......:D:D:D:D
learning to fly.. that would be a cool one too... did you change your mind on the headlight one?
Hey any word on the sick camera???
Couple different crops on the headlights
I have a feeling you're going to bring back some awesome stuff from the wedding trip....
Have fun on your journey and can't wait to see the
captures you bring back
Love all the details in #2, but they get lost in the shuffle because the headlight is screaming for attention.
I also love how the metal glistens in each shot.