#29 - my concept thread
I'm starting to work on this one and have a couple of ideas I'll hopefully get through over the weekend.
But, here's the first concept. I know it's not perfect, but as soon as I read the theme, I thought of this song and all these images started flashing in my head. I just couldn't figure out how to capture them. But in any case, here goes...
Feels so good - Chuck Mangione
But, here's the first concept. I know it's not perfect, but as soon as I read the theme, I thought of this song and all these images started flashing in my head. I just couldn't figure out how to capture them. But in any case, here goes...
Feels so good - Chuck Mangione

Sorry could not help it..:D
I love it..
It is well shot...... I love the colors of the tiles. It is so different, creative and humorous. It speaks well for the song title too.
If a reshoot is possible, I would toy around with different compositions, perhaps center the statue and take out the flowers, and then maybe try another shot with the crop closer, just to see different options.
The composition you have going here works just fine as is.... and I like the way you balanced the main subject in the frame with the flowers.
However, it may be worth trying different compositions and also balancing it with different objects other than the flowers just for fun and experiment's sake too.
If you go with the shot you have here, as is, I would suggest sharpening it up a bit..
Great call on the contrasting red and green, it works wonderfully....!!!
I think this is super Jen... I really like it..
I love > Chuck Mangione - Feels so good, I often work to that song, ya have good taste in music..
— Kevin
My Site, My Book
Here's the other idea that's been sticking in my head. Not sure if it works. What do you think? There's only a minor chance to reshoot, but I have a couple versions that I can work through and re-crop if needed.
The Celebrated Chop Waltz, "Chopsticks" - Euphemia Allen
— Kevin
My Site, My Book
My initial reaction to your latest choice of song title was that "Chopsticks" does not qualify as a song because there are no lyrics/words to it. It's strictly an instrumental piece written for piano. In order for something to be a "song" it must have lyrics/words.
But what I haven't been able to find is who wrote them. These lyrics fit the melody. Don't bother with the ones written by Liz Phair, not only do they not fit the melody but they're awful.
"Feels So Good" is also a strictly an instrumental piece. This one was written for flugelhorn. Did find a version with lyrics here, but it gives no indication who wrote them: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uzIpFvU1NP0
Music nerd goes back into hiding now. :hide
I don't have a grand piano hanging out in my flat. I grew up with several, and I'm sure Divamum has at least one. I might be back at the hotel with the grand next week. I tried to dynamically position the chopsticks but it just fell flat in my mind. I can imagine one or two scenarios that might work. But, I'd hoped that the reference to the title would lead to the viewer creating the extension in their mind's eye.
For lyrics, I understood the challenge to be for songs. Not all songs have lyrics, but they usually have titles. If someone singing is needed, then I've got a serious rethink in order or I might need to wait this one out.
Yes. The challenge is for songs
I think "Chopsticks" definitely qualifies for "adapted for singing".
Your idea for "Chopsticks" will work well, but you just need to try some reshoots. You don't need a grand piano, any piano will do, even an electronic keyboard. Don't give up, let's see some more shots!
The first song that popped into my head was Ebony and Ivory, here it is:
if you stick with the chopsticks song, then I would go with Kevin and Linda's advice for sure..
As far as a song having lyrics, well here is the definition and a "song" is meant to have lyrics from what I can tell...
Mah deah Miss Kat, since ya'll are from Tennuh-see I say ya'll be the Rebel in these heah parts.... :poke
Spoken like a True Suthun Bell Miss Linda..