On a flower in my Garden

Hi folks! 
Just found SmugMug and Digital Grin. I'm in total awe by all the fantastic pictures here. I'm a beginner and only have a compact digital camera. (Olympus C55Z) Still it's great fun taking pictures! Took my first macro about a month ago and hope to learn something from you guys. Below is a macro i shot this weekend. Think maybe the background is a bit distracting.

Just found SmugMug and Digital Grin. I'm in total awe by all the fantastic pictures here. I'm a beginner and only have a compact digital camera. (Olympus C55Z) Still it's great fun taking pictures! Took my first macro about a month ago and hope to learn something from you guys. Below is a macro i shot this weekend. Think maybe the background is a bit distracting.

Boy did you pick the right joint we got some good/great macro shooters. Me not being one of them :cry
However I can tell you that your 1st post is right on the mark, you got the now mandatory butt shot, a dgrin
Your DOF (depth of field) is real good, and I do not find BG distracting.
Good Job
My Galleries
Brian V.
Yes, i have noticed
Here is another one i have taken. Not a good one, but it looks like they are up to something
We all start somewhere, and it looks like you're on the fast track. Good shots
Hey Ben, does this mean that I have to still go out and shoot a bugs butt
A picture is but words to the eyes.
Comments are always welcome.