Big Bottoms

Boat bottoms that is.....
On a recent trip to coastal North Carolina we stopped at our favorite boat yard to look at sailboats and day dream about one day living on one and traveling the world.
What I noticed while there is the wild colors and patterns on the hulls of the boats. Most of the boats there are getting stored or are in some stage of restoration. All of the bottoms have been pressure washed when they are pulled out and some of them are sanded or ground down getting ready for new paint. The bottom paint of salt water boats is an anti-fouling type that contains nasty chemicals and heavy metals to repel things from attaching to them. They are also kind of soft and slough off over time. So because of this they look pretty unique and get some odd coloring from time and exposure.
Here are some of the shots. A few I have done nothing with at all. Others I pumped up or down the color saturation to exaggerate the colors and patterns. I think they are kind of "painting like" and would make for some cool prints. Any comments are welcome.





Thanks for looking!
On a recent trip to coastal North Carolina we stopped at our favorite boat yard to look at sailboats and day dream about one day living on one and traveling the world.
What I noticed while there is the wild colors and patterns on the hulls of the boats. Most of the boats there are getting stored or are in some stage of restoration. All of the bottoms have been pressure washed when they are pulled out and some of them are sanded or ground down getting ready for new paint. The bottom paint of salt water boats is an anti-fouling type that contains nasty chemicals and heavy metals to repel things from attaching to them. They are also kind of soft and slough off over time. So because of this they look pretty unique and get some odd coloring from time and exposure.
Here are some of the shots. A few I have done nothing with at all. Others I pumped up or down the color saturation to exaggerate the colors and patterns. I think they are kind of "painting like" and would make for some cool prints. Any comments are welcome.





Thanks for looking!