FS: Nikon Equipment for Sale
Nikon D80 Body (under warranty) $550.00 2 batteries and charger
18-55 VR Lens $125.00
18-135 Lens $150.00
55-200 VR Lens $150.00
50 mm 1.8 Lens $80.00
All Nikon Lenses with Hoods under warranty
Camray close up lens set for Nikon $30.00
Low Pro Slingshot 200 AW Black $50.00
All Sold thank you to buyers
I would submit photos but I have no other camera to take a photo with. I've sold here several times.
in excellent condition...a must sell...lost job. Ships in USA only. Best to email jsphotos@bellsouth.net for info.
18-55 VR Lens $125.00
18-135 Lens $150.00
55-200 VR Lens $150.00
50 mm 1.8 Lens $80.00
All Nikon Lenses with Hoods under warranty
Camray close up lens set for Nikon $30.00
Low Pro Slingshot 200 AW Black $50.00
All Sold thank you to buyers
I would submit photos but I have no other camera to take a photo with. I've sold here several times.
in excellent condition...a must sell...lost job. Ships in USA only. Best to email jsphotos@bellsouth.net for info.