Tease: Tuesday July 14th
[imgl]http://nik.smugmug.com/photos/591385196_ww5ZJ-M-2.jpg[/imgl] Now that I don't have a day job I have a rare pleasure to shoot mid-week. Today was the first, and lovely Anais definitely was up for the task. We shot some old and some new stuff. It didn't go without a hitch - in fact, amount of hitches was gargantuan: numerous camera failures, whole light setup falling on the poor model... But all is well that ends well, and I think we got a few great frames...
To Be Continued...
To Be Continued...
"May the f/stop be with you!"
I really like this shot - her expression and posture seem so relaxed and peaceful. I get tired of shots where the pose and model appear so methodical, mechanical and processed - this one, to me, is a great natural shot of a beautiful natural women . . . SO . . . when do we get to see more?