Issues with moving images & general comments about folders/categories
I'm new to Smugmug so I hope these are not new questions and the answers are simple. I could not find any answers using FAQ or browsing older threads.
What is the difference between "Move to Gallery" and "Move to Multiple Galleries"? I assumed the latter meant you could have the same image in multiple galleries but try as I might I cannot get this to happen. I use different images/categories/browsers but get the same thing - the image just moves to the new folder.
But why are the folders not consistent in their attributes? By folders I mean "categories" or "subcategores" or "galleries". Why can't you rename sub-categories? Why is the arrange for galleries more sophisticated (the quick sort) that for the other folders?
Is it possible to hide a category or sub-category or gallery while you adding/editing images so a viewer only gets to see the final version? I cannot find a option other than hiding images.
Jim Hully
What is the difference between "Move to Gallery" and "Move to Multiple Galleries"? I assumed the latter meant you could have the same image in multiple galleries but try as I might I cannot get this to happen. I use different images/categories/browsers but get the same thing - the image just moves to the new folder.
But why are the folders not consistent in their attributes? By folders I mean "categories" or "subcategores" or "galleries". Why can't you rename sub-categories? Why is the arrange for galleries more sophisticated (the quick sort) that for the other folders?
Is it possible to hide a category or sub-category or gallery while you adding/editing images so a viewer only gets to see the final version? I cannot find a option other than hiding images.
Jim Hully
Move to multiple galleries allows you to move each photo in the gallery you are moving from to a different gallery. It does not allow you to move an image to multiple galleries.
You can rename subcategories. See, and click on the + in front of tell me how to create categories and subcategories.
If you make a gallery unlisted it will not show in your list of galleries. It can still be viewed if the viewer is given the URL, and you can change it to public when you are ready for it to be viewed. You set public vs. unlisted on the customize gallery screen -
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at
I understand about the Control Panel options (why is it that the categories/sub-categories you do create are always at the bottom of the list!!!) but you can easily change gallery names by clicking on the edit button. Why not do this for categories & sub-categories?
I understand you can unlist a gallery but in order to create that gallery you first must create a category which you cannot hide/unlist. In other words you have an empty category. Would it not be better to be able to hide any of these categories until ready to show tham?
Furthermore I find it strange that in order to create a category/sub-category on your webpage you must click on + Add Photos, even if you don't have any photos. In the Control Panel you can create the (just) name of these categories but not the actual folder: a redundant feature when you still need to use the Add Photos to actually use that name.
I guess my frustration with these archaic methods of creating/editing/moving these folders/galleries comes from the being exposed to the ideas that you can create folders just about anywhere (right click or control N) and the concept of drag and drop.
I have to organize many photos according to themes and events. Classifying through categories/subcategories is the only way but it quickly becomes really awkward to move photos or groups of them around the structure. It needs a much more flexible interface with synoptic views of the site and ability to drag/move/copy across items.
I insist on being able to copy photos across galleries, or relate to already installed photos by reference or link so as to let repeat a unique photo across various galleries.
Arranging photos becomes a nightmare when there are more than 50 photos in a gallery. If you have serially pre-arranged your photos prior to upload (giving an initial number to the filename for ex.) you cannot easily rearrange them afterward, even for a small order tweaking. If you select Sort:None or say Yes to abandon auto sort, the arrangement is destroyed. SUGGESTION: there ought to be an option Sort:None But Keeping Actual Order.