More upload issues
Uploading images using omar's uploader - out of some 54 images, the first 34 upload ok and then, in spite of repeated attempts, i can't get any more to upload.
i update the uploader, still no dice.
had (for some reason) major problems getting the sun java applet to install but finally managed it.
uploaded again (to skip duplicates) but have been unsuccesseful for all 4 attempts, in spite of having ensured i deselect a 12mb file (so are all less than 12mb).
checking the upload log shows:
Wrong bytes received.
Was your connection interrupted? Please try again, and Contact a Hero if the problem persists.
Well, i do not believe all 20 photos have had the same error in real life, especially not after 4 re-tries, so there is another reason!
i am able to open all web-pages (including this one) but for some reason, cannot get the last 20 images to upload.
any chance I will be able to upload the files soon?
i update the uploader, still no dice.
had (for some reason) major problems getting the sun java applet to install but finally managed it.
uploaded again (to skip duplicates) but have been unsuccesseful for all 4 attempts, in spite of having ensured i deselect a 12mb file (so are all less than 12mb).
checking the upload log shows:
Wrong bytes received.
Was your connection interrupted? Please try again, and Contact a Hero if the problem persists.
Well, i do not believe all 20 photos have had the same error in real life, especially not after 4 re-tries, so there is another reason!
i am able to open all web-pages (including this one) but for some reason, cannot get the last 20 images to upload.
any chance I will be able to upload the files soon?
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Still getting the same issues.
I rebooted thge PC last night, tried again today using Omar's uploader and also the Jave Applet.
The 'Errors' button shows read timeout (not upload issues)
The Stats Log shows
Wrong bytes received.
Was your connection interrupted? Please try again, and Contact a Hero if the problem persists.
There was also one file over 12mb, it's the only one though, all the others fail anyway. and if i ignore the upload of the 12mb file (by not selecting it) it still doesn't help.
I saw two instances of this yesterday and today. In both cases, the new Simple Java uploader resulted in "wrong bytes received" errors in my log even if I retried, but if I then attempted to upload the same images to the same gallery using MacDaddy 3.0.3, all images upload with no errors on the first try.
will MacDaddy also suit for PC, or is it MAC only?
Managed to finally upload another 3 pics, just another 18 to go - perhaps I'll be finished before August.
Flickr's is free, it works. never had a single problem with it, apart from needing more than 3 galleries.
We have an uploading trouble shooting help page
You'll find the links for running a speed test, trace route and line quality test all there - run those tests to rule out your ISP and router.
Also, check that your files are jpegs, pngs or gifs.
Check file names too. I ran into a problem with some files that I ran through LR, and resaving them with PS took care of the issue. And by all means contact us at the help desk! That's what we are there for!
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well, definitely all JPEGS, all have similar naming conventions too.
Upload speed: -0.25mbps
d/load speed: - 3.87mbps
tried uploading again...manages to uplaod 2...then again, fails all the rest
Wrong bytes received.
Was your connection interrupted? Please try again, and Contact a Hero if the problem persists
and tried again today - same result.
Wrong bytes received.
Was your connection interrupted? Please try again, and Contact a Hero if the problem persists.