
Most recent wedding



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    AgnieszkaAgnieszka Registered Users, Retired Mod Posts: 3,263 Major grins
    edited July 18, 2009
    divamum wrote:
    Toast? Did somebody say... toast??? rolleyes1.gif

    Back to topic: Agnieszka, what do you do for those skin tones? Is it because you tend towards the lighter end of the exposure, or do you have some amazing refinishing technique for that incredibly beautiful, creamy, ultra-smooth look? (Or is this your "secret ingredient" which I'm not supposed to ask about? If so, apologies - blame my remnants of n00bness :D)


    Divamum. I know you won't believe me, but she already had skin like that, so I really didn't do much to her. I usually use Max's skin smooth action which I found on dgrin some years ago / right when I signed up. Not sure if you can still google it + it's easy to overdo ... but that's my not so secrety sectret thumb.gif
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    Moogle PepperMoogle Pepper Registered Users Posts: 2,950 Major grins
    edited July 18, 2009
    Very cool stuff, Agnieszka, as always. thumb.gif

    Is that a vow I see on cardboard? eek7.gifD
    Food & Culture.
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    AgnieszkaAgnieszka Registered Users, Retired Mod Posts: 3,263 Major grins
    edited July 18, 2009
    Very cool stuff, Agnieszka, as always. thumb.gif

    Is that a vow I see on cardboard? eek7.gifD

    rolleyes1.gif Nope, it was a sweet little letter he wrote to her the morning off.
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    Moogle PepperMoogle Pepper Registered Users Posts: 2,950 Major grins
    edited July 18, 2009
    Classy. rolleyes1.gif
    Food & Culture.
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    AgnieszkaAgnieszka Registered Users, Retired Mod Posts: 3,263 Major grins
    edited July 18, 2009
    Classy. rolleyes1.gif

    ne_nau.gif Thought it had definitely more character than other I've seen ... don't think it really matters on what you write it, the fact that he wrote something *that* sweet says a lot about their relationship ... deal.gif
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    Moogle PepperMoogle Pepper Registered Users Posts: 2,950 Major grins
    edited July 18, 2009
    Yeah that is true, it was the thought that counted! Just wonder where he was to not have paper to write it on.. ha!
    Food & Culture.
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