Sent a damaged lens to Nikon

In case you were wondering what their service is like, here's the condensed version. All in all I am very happy with their service.
Had my camera fall out of my backpack awhile ago and it damaged the front metal ring on my 50mm lens. It would no longer auto focus.
Went online and found the form I needed to print to send it to them.
I printed it out and sent it to them on June 25th with the form in the box. The form stated the problem basically.
About four days later got an email saying "go here" so I went to the link, and it said "damage not covered by warranty, please approve"
So I approved it online. Estimate for repair was $105.
About a week or so went by and I could check the status online. The status went from "being repaired" to "shipped."
I got the lens back today, July 15th, and it is like new. Totally clean, works perfectly.
So all in all, it was great. Cost me $100 and took 20 days but I didn't have to buy a new lens. Just thought I'd share if you have a damaged lens or may have one some day.
Had my camera fall out of my backpack awhile ago and it damaged the front metal ring on my 50mm lens. It would no longer auto focus.
Went online and found the form I needed to print to send it to them.
I printed it out and sent it to them on June 25th with the form in the box. The form stated the problem basically.
About four days later got an email saying "go here" so I went to the link, and it said "damage not covered by warranty, please approve"
So I approved it online. Estimate for repair was $105.
About a week or so went by and I could check the status online. The status went from "being repaired" to "shipped."
I got the lens back today, July 15th, and it is like new. Totally clean, works perfectly.
So all in all, it was great. Cost me $100 and took 20 days but I didn't have to buy a new lens. Just thought I'd share if you have a damaged lens or may have one some day.
Moderator of the Cameras and Accessories forums
Stupid simple, just fill out the form, pack up the lens, send it off, and shortly you'll get the quote. In my case, lens was only slightly problematic and was covered under warranty, which was nice.
I give Nikon an A for service, only garnering an A+ if shipping and repair time got faster.
Sigma 18-50 f/2.8, 70-200 f/2.8
Nikkor 55-200mm f/4-5.6, 50mm f/1.8