Heads up in the heat !!
Last week I sluffed off work, one reason for so many posts. Anyway I did not pay attention to my own Survival Training. So for the last 3 nights I've had some big nose bleeds from cracked membranes. Folks if your out in the dry desert heat, please stay hydrated and put some vaseline and/or water up those "Jimmy Durantes". Ok enough preaching.
Heres some butt for ya guys
Tern Butt

Egret Reflection Butt
Heres some butt for ya guys

Tern Butt

Egret Reflection Butt

I also got dehydrated a week ago yesterday, a Monday. I felt terrible the whole week, even without nosebleeds. It is humid heat here, not dry heat, but can kill, or make one sick, anyway.
I had it on my signature for a week or so to drink water. Maybe it was the week before. I am getting confused, but I do think it was last week.
So everyone do take heed.
Anyway, once again, Ben, I love the first shot. A high key butt shot.
Hi G
Yes I remember your Sig from about a week of so back should of paid more attention
Yeah I do like that Butt shot myself, thank you for commenting
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