watermarks disappear

jpcjpc Registered Users Posts: 840 Major grins
edited August 11, 2009 in SmugMug Support
How do I change my thumbs from "original" to "square" without losing my watermarks? I've tried both of these methods:

1) Tick "square thumbs" and "yes watermarking". Result = square thumbs with giant PROOF watermark replacing my custom watermark.

2) Tick "square thumbs" and "no watermarking" (and un-tick "Apply to existing photos"). Result = square thumbs and my watermarks are gone.

There must be a way to make this happen. Anyone?



  • phototristanphototristan Registered Users Posts: 199 Major grins
    edited July 16, 2009
    Hi jpc,

    Could you link us to the gallery in question? We will take a look. If you don't want to post the link here (publicly), feel free to email us at the helpdesk.


    jpc wrote:
    How do I change my thumbs from "original" to "square" without losing my watermarks? I've tried both of these methods:

    1) Tick "square thumbs" and "yes watermarking". Result = square thumbs with giant PROOF watermark replacing my custom watermark.

    2) Tick "square thumbs" and "no watermarking" (and un-tick "Apply to existing photos"). Result = square thumbs and my watermarks are gone.

    There must be a way to make this happen. Anyone?

    Suport Hero
  • jpcjpc Registered Users Posts: 840 Major grins
    edited July 16, 2009
    No problem. Here's the category: http://jpcirre.smugmug.com/cityscapes

    I've already changed two of the three galleries and have manually re-appllied my watermarks after making the thumbs square.
  • AllenAllen Registered Users Posts: 10,016 Major grins
    edited July 16, 2009
    jpc wrote:
    No problem. Here's the category: http://jpcirre.smugmug.com/cityscapes

    I've already changed two of the three galleries and have manually re-appllied my watermarks after making the thumbs square.
    Just as a side note:
    Make sure the correct watermark is selected under customize gallery before
    doing anything that regenerates new display photos.
    Al - Just a volunteer here having fun
    My Website index | My Blog
  • phototristanphototristan Registered Users Posts: 199 Major grins
    edited July 16, 2009
    Hi again,

    I see what you mean. It looks like this is a current issue that we know about. Hopefully, it is fixed soon!

    For now, the workaround (which you already know about) is to re-apply your custom watermarks to the gallery after doing the thumbnail change.

    jpc wrote:
    No problem. Here's the category: http://jpcirre.smugmug.com/cityscapes

    I've already changed two of the three galleries and have manually re-appllied my watermarks after making the thumbs square.
    Suport Hero
  • jpcjpc Registered Users Posts: 840 Major grins
    edited July 16, 2009
    phototristan - Thanks. Hopefully that can get bundled into the next release.

    Allen - That's the best workaround, but I don't use the same watermark on every photo, so it's still going to be a drag, but thanks. Regardless of the watermark selected in the drop-down, the "Apply to existing photos" option is not functional.
  • AllenAllen Registered Users Posts: 10,016 Major grins
    edited July 16, 2009
    jpc wrote:
    .... Regardless of the watermark selected in the drop-down, the "Apply to existing photos" option is not functional.
    But it will apply to all new uploaded and regenerated display photos in the
    gallery so it might be best to check "none". Then you can apply anyone you
    like after upload or if display copies are regenerated.
    Al - Just a volunteer here having fun
    My Website index | My Blog
  • jpcjpc Registered Users Posts: 840 Major grins
    edited July 16, 2009
    I can't change it to "none" until the "Apply to existing photos" option actually does what it's supposed to. Otherwise, all of my watermarks will go away again.

    To compound this lunacy, I changed the preset I use to configure my galleries to reflect "square thumbs" and "my watermark". (That entails deleting the preset and recreating it.) I then applied it to the rest of my galleries and absolutely nothing has happened. I realize these things take time, but not a single thumb has changed to square. I can, however, see that the settings for the remaining galleries have indeed changed to "square" and "my watermark", it just didn't take. So now, I don't even know how to go about manually changing them all, since the settings appear to be correct.
  • gluwatergluwater Registered Users Posts: 3,599 Major grins
    edited July 17, 2009
    jpc wrote:
    I can't change it to "none" until the "Apply to existing photos" option actually does what it's supposed to. Otherwise, all of my watermarks will go away again.

    To compound this lunacy, I changed the preset I use to configure my galleries to reflect "square thumbs" and "my watermark". (That entails deleting the preset and recreating it.) I then applied it to the rest of my galleries and absolutely nothing has happened. I realize these things take time, but not a single thumb has changed to square. I can, however, see that the settings for the remaining galleries have indeed changed to "square" and "my watermark", it just didn't take. So now, I don't even know how to go about manually changing them all, since the settings appear to be correct.
    Hi JP. I replied to your email on the help desk. Your galleries are fixed. I used the Adjust Thumbnail tool to fix your galleries. Go to the gallery in question and click on Tools>Many Photos>More>Adjust Thumbnails. Once in the tool select either Original or Square, click on Select All and then click on Save. It'll take a few minutes for the new thumbnails to be generated.
    SmugMug Technical Account Manager
    Travel = good. Woo, shooting!
  • jpcjpc Registered Users Posts: 840 Major grins
    edited July 17, 2009
    Thanks, Nick. I'll give that a try.

    In your email you said that Gallery Quick Settings do not force watermarks or thumbnail adjustments to galleries. They only change the setting and are applied to any new images in the gallery.

    I understand that there is a known bug with the watermarking setting. I'm sure you'll get that fixed. But, I'm trying to wrap my head around the Smuglogic regarding the thumbnail sizing, and I'm having a hard time understanding why thumbnail settings are not applied to the existing gallery images. If I tick "square" does Smugmug think I might prefer only my future uploads to be square? That's doesn't make much sense, and the "Changes will take a few minutes to appear..." disclaimer certainly suggests otherwise.

    Am I missing something, here?
  • jpcjpc Registered Users Posts: 840 Major grins
    edited July 18, 2009
    "Tools>Many Photos>More>Adjust Thumbnails" worked great. Very fast, watermarks are still there. Thank you!

    I still feel that any customization setting that is applied via a preset or manually, should affect the existing images in that gallery, unless the user has selected an option that precludes it.

    Also, "Essentials" and "Extras" are more like gallery properties than settings and should be treated as a separate set of values, since they would not be part of preset parameters. And, "geography" should not be part of "Extras". It probably just got thrown in there when it became a feature. "Extras" could probably just go away entirely, actually.

    Getting off-topic, I know. But, It wouldn't be a bad idea to take a fresh look at that entire page and reevaluate its functionality. It's the first place new customers go. It should make perfect sense.

    Thanks again for your help, and for listening.
  • AngusDAngusD Registered Users Posts: 7 Beginner grinner
    edited August 11, 2009
    I'm not 100% sure if this is the same issue, but I've noticed that even though I have it set to show my custom watermark, which it did, sometimes I go back to a gallery and the watermark is gone. Then I change the watermark to the default "proof" watermark, save it, then change it back to the custom watermark to get it to stay.

    Have other people noticed this or am I doing something wrong? And considering I'm in the process of setting up, I may just be doing something wrong.
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