Can a photo be in multiple galleries?
I'm new to smugmug and wanted to know if a photos can be exist in multiple galleries at the same time?
I poked around the forums and help first, but didn't find an exact answer.
Thanks for the smugmug community! I've learned lots here.
I poked around the forums and help first, but didn't find an exact answer.
Thanks for the smugmug community! I've learned lots here.
For most cases where you might want a photo in multiple galleries, keyword galleries are a suitable solution. However, if you need genuine galleries, then you have to either upload the photo twice, or make a copy of the photo, and move the copy to the other gallery.
Smugmug are working on a "virtual gallery" feature, which will provide this capability, but there is no predicted release date (and I personally don't expect it for at least another 6 months).
Thanks for the quick response.
I don't like the idea of having multiple shots of the same image.
Hadn't thought about the keyword galleries option which might work for me. I'm trying to make a wordpress page with kid shots using Adam's wp-smugmug.
I'm assuming that you can't make individual photos-"public" inside a "private" gallery.
Thank you!
the gallery is unlisted or password protected.
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Thanks for the tip Allen!