It's all in the name?

I'm starting to do some marketing right now in addition to the word of mouth advertising I currently do. Trouble is the name. I operate under my own name and not a company name so what to call myself?
I've been using the term "Commercial Photographer" as I do many forms of photography but some of the people I've talked to seem to think that means I only do advertising photography work. I've toyed with other terms such as
Professional Photographer
Event photographer (one of my services)
Concierge Photographer (another term to mean I can do most anything)
Commercial Photographer (What I've been using)
just plain (Photographer)
I do work as an Event photographer, promotional photographer, natural portrait photographer, and my own nature photographs. What do you think a good term would be that would give my clients a general idea?
I've been using the term "Commercial Photographer" as I do many forms of photography but some of the people I've talked to seem to think that means I only do advertising photography work. I've toyed with other terms such as
Professional Photographer
Event photographer (one of my services)
Concierge Photographer (another term to mean I can do most anything)
Commercial Photographer (What I've been using)
just plain (Photographer)
I do work as an Event photographer, promotional photographer, natural portrait photographer, and my own nature photographs. What do you think a good term would be that would give my clients a general idea?
Fred J Claus
Commercial Photographer
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Commercial Photographer
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Keep it simple and use Photographer. Then in your body copy you can elaborate depending on the ad - e.g. talk about doing events in one ad, portraits in another etc.
Picadilly, NB, Canada
I concur! My business cards have many differing images on them and on the back they all say the same thing: photographer. The images run from close-in B&W portraits to landscapes and cityscapes. I either let them pick a card they like or I give one based on their photographic need.
Just my 1 cent worth of used to be 2 cents, but with inflation..
Doug and Cathy