Working for churches and Non-Profits

I have had the opportunity this past week to photograph the Vacation Bible School program for a local church (not the one I attend though.) This was a volunteer basis, but I may have received some additional assignments from the volunteer opportunity. Does anyone here work regularly for a church or a non-profit? Do any of them actually pay for services or do they expect them to be donated in exchange for advertising to their members?
Fred J Claus
Commercial Photographer
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Commercial Photographer
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Funny you should mention this. I belong to PWAC (no, it's not some bizarre association - it's the Professional Writers' Association of Canada) and for the past 3 days there's been an extensive discussion among the membership about writing "for free" (or next to nothing) for non-profit orgs. The general consensus is - NO - if you wish to donate your services to one for personal reasons, by all means - but it's better to get them to pay you and then donate the money back to them. It's long been known that people only value what they actually pay for. To do it for nothing is to devalue not only your own work, but that of others in the same profession.
Picadilly, NB, Canada
Before beginning with any of them, I made it perfectly clear that the one day per month free shoot was my way of giving back to the community. I wanted to keep photography fun and not only a job.
All images must be credited to the company, and each newsletter must contain a mention of the company as the official photographer whether I shot with them that month or not.
As part of the agreement I would offer a 15% discount to any member of the organization. I would also offer an additional free shoot for every 10 paid assignments booked through their referrals.
This has worked incredibly well for me. I get on average 10 to 12 referrals each month. The vast majority are commercial shoots with the wineries or country clubs.
Most non-profits are connected with the large companies in the community (through donations) and often with the regional magazines. I get quite a bit of free press doing 1 free shoot per month.
I would consult a tax advisor for more information.
Neal Jacob
Doug and Cathy
I donate my time to a non-profit and serve as photographer ( This is invoiced and written off as a donation as another suggested earlier. I do not ask for advertising or anything else. A donation is a donation and not done for anything in return.
In the same vein, whatever the church needs I either pay for or get donated without strings. I will not advertise anyone's business or services to our members - that's not why they're here (and it's not why we're here either). My first choice is always to hire people at their normal (or if THEY choose to discount it) rate. Just because something is non-profit doesn't mean they can't pay for services their ministry/activities require.
I guess what I'm telling you (from the perspective of a pastor) is not to feel bad if you don't want to give away your services. I don't donate my time to the church - I take a salary. I expect that others who do work the church needs should be paid also. If they feel compelled to donate their services - great! Thanks! But churches (particularly) shouldn't be in the bartering-services-for-advertising business.
I don't take the shoots against taxes unless I feel like documenting it via the contract for services. I always like to lay out to an organization the deliverables as well as the rights so they won't get hassled if they go to print or publish.
I have certain things that I will charge for but that is all communicated beforehand - kind of exceptional requests that don't fall under the mainstream of what I usually do (which is event photography).
- Mike
IR Modified Sony F717
well that's silly, gotta love government.
Commercial Photographer
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