Third Thought on DSS#29

Here's another idea that I have had running through my head.
Take Me Out To The Ballgame

I could use C&C on this one.
I'm also trying to figure out which one to go with, so here are the others in case you missed them. I could use a little help picking one.
Swan Lake

Blue Train by Johnny Cash

Thanks for looking.
— Kevin
Take Me Out To The Ballgame

I could use C&C on this one.
I'm also trying to figure out which one to go with, so here are the others in case you missed them. I could use a little help picking one.
Swan Lake

Blue Train by Johnny Cash

Thanks for looking.
— Kevin
2 because "Swan Lake" was the first song to come to mind.
3 because it caught my attention.
"Only those who can see the invisible can accomplish the impossible."
Definitely,,, go for one of the others and make it easy on us..
The fireworks is an attention-grabber but not for long. The gallery already has some really fine shots in it and you want yours to grab a judge's attention. I'm not sure the fireworks one will do that. But the Blue Train and the Swans can. The fireworks shot can be seen as "just another fireworks shot".
The Blue Train is unique and you processed it well with the blue tint and motion blur. Title is excellent.
Swan Lake is very representational and very lovely, as a matter of fact. Kudos to you for finding lyrics for the title it since it's technically not a song. But someone managed to set lyrics to it so there you have it!
Looking at Swan Lake and Blue Train side by side, I keep gravitating more toward Swan Lake. When I first saw the train picture, my initial reaction was WOW! But there's something subliminal about Swan Lake that's pulling me back to it.
All three are beautiful and technically proficient shots, but I agree that the Blue Train shot is the strongest one in relation to the theme; with that one I can HEAR it, if that makes sense. The others are nice images which happen to have a song title which can work with them; the train looks tailor-made to *depict* the title.
Just my overinflated 2 pesetas over my Saturday morning coffee...
I agree about the Ballgame shot. It has some wow effect but then it is done.
I'm somewhat torn between Swan Lake and Blue Train. Blue Train definately has more wow, yet the serenity and beauty of Swan Lake draws me back.
I will look forwar to seeing which you choose.
Oh, and by the way, I had an opportunity for a fourth idea this weekend but passed because I'm in enough turmoil with what I already have. I need to start waiting until the last week or so to begin working when we have these long challenges.
— Kevin
My Site, My Book
Swan Lake doesn't really do it for me. I mean, it's a nice shot and all, but it doesn't really capture the feeling that much for me... it's just swans hangin' out, while the ballet is more whimsical and focuses on the gracefulness and interplay between the swans, while the choreography in it at times emphasizes the playfulness and demure beauty of the swans. So I guess I'm trying to say is that if they were doing something, if there was a particularly nice gesture or something in the image, it would take it to the next level and really be great.
Blue Train (although I have no idea what the song is and should probably have researched that before posting, bad me!) does seem to be more technically challenging and is a more interesting shot than Swan Lake, so if you are just deciding between it and swan lake, I'd choose Blue Train.
Of course, these are just my thoughts so feel free to ignore them... especially since I haven't even posted anything of my own for this challenge yet!
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