Jess (18+)
First post in the go figure. Second model to shoot nude or semi nude. C&C welcome.

WTB: 1GB and 512k CF cards.
I have a need for a decent # of these smaller cards. If you have multiple cards that would be great. I am located at zip code 35243 & 35255.
I have a need for a decent # of these smaller cards. If you have multiple cards that would be great. I am located at zip code 35243 & 35255.
Nikon D300, 18-135/3.5-5.6, 70-300/4.5-5.6, SB800
Almost 80 views and 1 comment. I posted for feedback.
I have a need for a decent # of these smaller cards. If you have multiple cards that would be great. I am located at zip code 35243 & 35255.
the model gets lost the the grid of shadows in #3. Perhaps cropping in so she remains noticeable.
"Only those who can see the invisible can accomplish the impossible."
I agree that the model looks a little lost in the picture which I'm sure that cropping would solve... but I think you'd loose some impact from the shadows/lighting if cropped too much.
Just my 2p anyway
Nice series and lovely model!
#3 is very good (although I'd crop it tighter), followed closely by #4 (which is a bit too bland for my taste and needs some work in post ).
My vision for #3 is more impactful with a larger display, then the model isn't lost. But displaying at the size shown, yes the model sure is lost in the image, I agree. It was purposeful on that shot. I may have another similar shot but a tighter crop, I see and post if I do.
Nik, all of these are SOOC besides the bw conversion, so I am curious what post work you see #4 needing. Thanks.
I have a need for a decent # of these smaller cards. If you have multiple cards that would be great. I am located at zip code 35243 & 35255.
EF 2.0x II extender BG-E6
I think #3 is my fav but the others are certainly not far behind. What I like best about #3 is the geometric shapes created by the shadows on the walls and floor and how that contrasts to the softness of the model.
I like the soft etherial quality of #4 but wish for more separation between her back and the wall behind her. The front of her is separated from the floor and wall much more but the wall gets too bright right behind her.
Again, a lovely set of images and a lovely model. Well done.
But 2 is the best no pun intended..ok alittle