WOW. Everything that could go wrong for this session went wrong. Now, I am just trying to see if I could make them look nice with some PP b4 showing it to my customer.
First, we had to reschedule the session. Then the husband couldn't make it. Then it was supposed to be outdoors at one location, then, it was raining so we had to move the location. So we ended up doing it at my house! The lightning in my house S.U.C.K.S and I have nothing but my SB-600. Some of the pics came out as noisy as my house after my kids come home from school. With that said, please CC on these and suggestions on making it better with some PP. I applied some to must of them, but you all may have other suggestions.. well, w.o further rambling.. here they are.
Thanks for your comments and suggestions!
WOW. Everything that could go wrong for this session went wrong. Now, I am just trying to see if I could make them look nice with some PP b4 showing it to my customer.
First, we had to reschedule the session. Then the husband couldn't make it. Then it was supposed to be outdoors at one location, then, it was raining so we had to move the location. So we ended up doing it at my house! The lightning in my house S.U.C.K.S and I have nothing but my SB-600. Some of the pics came out as noisy as my house after my kids come home from school. With that said, please CC on these and suggestions on making it better with some PP. I applied some to must of them, but you all may have other suggestions.. well, w.o further rambling.. here they are.
Thanks for your comments and suggestions!
Thanks afev, any suggestion for pp on these?