Kelby Worldwide Photo Walk

Here are a few images I captured today at the Scott Kelby Worldwide Photo Walk in St. Louis. We had great weather - 70 degrees!
Arch Park Fantasy

Parking Lot Arch

I Can't See!

Homage to the Old Court House

Good Morning, Busch Stadium!
Arch Park Fantasy

Parking Lot Arch

I Can't See!

Homage to the Old Court House

Good Morning, Busch Stadium!

More Photography . . . Less Photoshop [. . . except when I do it]
Jeff Meyers
Jeff Meyers
Looks like you had a stellar walkabout.
Love them all, hard to pick a favorite.
Great perspectives and compositions.
Really like the toning and coloring.
Burleson, Texas
Thanks, Bud. Special PP? Yeah, I guess. But it's a pretty standard work flow for me with shots like this. I use Capture NX2 (which I love) and Nik Software's Color Efex Pro plugin.
Jeff Meyers
Thanks, Craig. I appreciate it! We did have great weather and great light for the walk. Can't ask for much more.
Jeff Meyers