Scott Kelby's World Wide PhotoWalk 2009

I hosted the walk for Eau Claire this year. There was only 6 of us but we had fun, and it was definately worth the money, oh wait, it was free! Too bad it was freezing! It was like lower 60's. I had 3 t-shirts on and a sweatshirt!
One guy, Mark, drove 1 1/2 hours from Ladysmith to come.
Here are some of the images that I took throughout the walk. Sadly, since I was the walk leader I cannot submit my amazing photos for a chance to win prizes (D700 + alot more stuff - PhotoWalk Prizes)
The Purpose of this thread I guess... Post your pictures taken on the photowalks you went on... I'm sure there are some of you on here. Also if this would be better suited somewhere else, feel free to move it mods.
This is an HDR I took, 7 exposures combined together.





One guy, Mark, drove 1 1/2 hours from Ladysmith to come.
Here are some of the images that I took throughout the walk. Sadly, since I was the walk leader I cannot submit my amazing photos for a chance to win prizes (D700 + alot more stuff - PhotoWalk Prizes)
The Purpose of this thread I guess... Post your pictures taken on the photowalks you went on... I'm sure there are some of you on here. Also if this would be better suited somewhere else, feel free to move it mods.
This is an HDR I took, 7 exposures combined together.






wish i knew something like that was going on, would have loved to participate (though not sure this is also being held in the netherlands..
* correction, i should have looked closer.. there are like 10 walks in the netherlands
Has that building been converted into something modern? They usually are but at least the side you caught it looks deliciously rusty.
Photos that don't suck / 365 / Film & Lomography
Yeah, lovely weather
Most of Banbury Place (the old rustic Building) is rented out to small businesses. Law Practice, Wood Shops, Resturants, Dance Studio etc... The rooms in there are HUGE! After college if I stay in Eau Claire I'm deffinately going to rent out one for my studio.
The building in the HDR was the "power house" hence the giant smoke stack. Banbury Place used to be a Tire Factory I think during WWII...
I was suppose to lead in walk Islamabad.... but at last minute all participants refused to participate due to early morning time
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