Automatic Image resize feature not working (for me)
I upload my photos and smugmug generates several different sizes to be viewed depending on the browsers window size or what the viewer selects.
Some of my resized images are showing up pixilated. When I right click to save the image it shows me that the image is a bitmap (.BMP). This has been going on for about a month now and I was waiting for it to get fixed but now its really getting annoying.
The image below is a link to a large image but will not display a large image because large is a bmp. So it downsizes to medium.

If you go to the gallery and resize your browser for large images and view the above image you will see that it is pixilated.
Another image that is not resized properly.

For size comparison this is an image that got resized properly and is a jpeg (.jpg)

I am taking the same steps that I have been doing for the past year and now I am not sure why in the past month this started happening.
Thank you,
I just replied to your email to the help desk, so let us know if uploading a larger-than-799 pixel original will fix this problem!
Photos that don't suck / 365 / Film & Lomography