Nice spider web photo Eia.
One of the nicer ones of this type I'm seeing on the internet just now.
I was pressed to investigate a bit because I think
the spider you photographed (daddy long leg spider) didn't make the web
he is just buming for a meal. They don't make silk webs.
Best I can tell it is a tangle web/cobweb variety spider that did the work.
Hope I got that right.
Nice spider web photo Eia.
One of the nicer ones of this type I'm seeing on the internet just now.
I was pressed to investigate a bit because I think
the spider you photographed (daddy long leg spider) didn't make the web
he is just buming for a meal. They don't make silk webs.
Best I can tell it is a tangle web/cobweb variety spider that did the work.
Hope I got that right.
Thanks for this info! I thought daddy long legs were 'thinner' and more delicate. This one was thick and huge. I guess it could be a DLL and I never even thought that it is the one who didn't make the web. Whomever made the web sure made it intricate! And that is what caught my attention. Thanks for the comment!
That's pretty cool. I like the first one the best, even if the spider's not there. It makes you search for it in the image and leaves you with a bit of mystery about what kind of spider would spin such a tangled web.
More Photography . . . Less Photoshop [. . . except when I do it] Jeff Meyers
That's pretty cool. I like the first one the best, even if the spider's not there. It makes you search for it in the image and leaves you with a bit of mystery about what kind of spider would spin such a tangled web.
Thanks Jeff. I prefer the one without the spider too; its pretty. The spider introduces another level...
The lighting on the first shot is very pretty.
Ha ha...yea, me or the spider?
Thanks for the comment. The lighting was a delight but the spider was not.
One of the nicer ones of this type I'm seeing on the internet just now.
I was pressed to investigate a bit because I think
the spider you photographed (daddy long leg spider) didn't make the web
he is just buming for a meal. They don't make silk webs.
Best I can tell it is a tangle web/cobweb variety spider that did the work.
Hope I got that right.
Jeff Meyers
(My real name is John but Jack'll do)
Further info:
- Wil
Thanks Jeff. I prefer the one without the spider too; its pretty. The spider introduces another level...