I Blame Yosemite

At yosemite yall woke up early to get good light to shoot photographs. I am not a morning person at all as some of you may remember. But thanks you to guys I find myself being willing to do crazy things like wake up at 4 am two days in a row on a weekend to go and shoot hot air balloons landing at sunrise. Is this a normal persons actions no. No it is not. Argh what have I turned into. :twitch:twitch:twitch
Is anyone else other than those of us who were in yosemite actually willing to loose sleep to get good photos?
Is anyone else other than those of us who were in yosemite actually willing to loose sleep to get good photos?
Everyone Has A Photographic Memory. Some Just Do Not Have Film.
Seriously, I hate mornings just like you. Only in extreme situations (e.g. Yosemite) do I ever get myself up that early.
"Failure is feedback. And feedback is the breakfast of champions." - fortune cookie
I remember you not wanting to answer those early morning wake up calls. I hated it too. But as you point out, if you want that sweet light you have to sacrifice
Where are those balloon shots? That's one thing I've always wanted to shoot (lots of balloons) and wouldn't mind the 4AM wake up to do it
It's gonna be like staying at the Wawona. No bathrooms in your room. Otherwise, it's
all good