changing slideshow source gallery

primedigitalprimedigital Registered Users Posts: 93 Big grins
edited July 22, 2009 in SmugMug Support
I have a slideshow running on my home page and I would like to change the images. I have created a new gallery and filled it with images, but I can't remember where I need to plug in the url so it can find it. Not sure if I am to use the gallery url, or the url of the first image in the gallery. I can't remember. It's been so long since I have made any changes to the slideshow. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Tracy :photo
Prime Digital Photography
Capturing life one fraction of a second at a time


  • primedigitalprimedigital Registered Users Posts: 93 Big grins
    edited July 20, 2009
    If someone could take a look in my control panel and tell me where to replace the url, that woud be awesome!
    Tracy :photo
    Prime Digital Photography
    Capturing life one fraction of a second at a time
  • jfriendjfriend Registered Users Posts: 8,097 Major grins
    edited July 20, 2009
    The code for your homepage slideshow is in your Bio.
    JFriend's javascript customizationsSecrets for getting fast answers on Dgrin
    Always include a link to your site when posting a question
  • primedigitalprimedigital Registered Users Posts: 93 Big grins
    edited July 21, 2009
    Slideshow isn't in my bio box. I believe it's in the Javascript box. Still don't know what to replace. Any help at all?
    Here is the code in my Jave box:

    //filmStrip values you can override:
    rightMoves = -5;
    leftMoves = 5;

    /*== SLIDE SHOW ==*/
    /*== version 0.56 ==*/
    /*== Updated 03 May 2006 ==*/
    var SLIDE_SHOW = 0;
    var RANDOM_PHOTO = 1;
    var slideshowContainer;
    var sSlide;
    var sCaption;
    var ssSlides;
    var ssSlideTotal;
    var ssSlideTimer;
    var ssOldSlide;
    var ssFadeTimer;
    var ssFade;
    var ssTimerId;
    var blank;

    function PrepSlideEnvironment()

    tmpCookie = getCookie("Template");

    blank = new Image();
    blank.src = "/img/spacer.gif";

    if (typeof(slideshowType) == "undefined" || (slideshowType != SLIDE_SHOW && slideshowType != RANDOM_PHOTO))
    slideshowType = SLIDE_SHOW;

    if (slideshowType == RANDOM_PHOTO)
    randomSlides = true;

    if (typeof(slideshowContainerId) == "undefined")
    return false
    else if (typeof(slideshowContainerId) == "string")
    slideshowContainer = document.getElementById(slideshowContainerId);

    if (!slideshowContainer)
    return false;

    if (typeof(slideshowUrl) == "undefined" || typeof(slideshowUrl) != "string")
    return false;
    slideshowUrl = /(?:http:\/\/[^\/]+)?(\/\S+)/.exec(slideshowUrl)[1];

    if (/\/gallery\/[0-9]+/.test(slideshowUrl))
    slideSourceIsGallery = true;
    slideSourceIsGallery = false;

    if (typeof(slideHeight) == "undefined" || isNaN(slideHeight))
    slideHeight = "800";

    if (typeof(slideWidth) == "undefined" || isNaN(slideWidth))
    slideWidth = "800";

    if (typeof(photoHeight) == "undefined" || isNaN(photoHeight))
    photoHeight = slideHeight;

    if (typeof(photoWidth) == "undefined" || isNaN(photoWidth))
    photoWidth = slideWidth;

    if (typeof(slideDuration) == "undefined" || isNaN(slideDuration))
    slideDuration = 3;

    if (typeof(firstSlideUrl) == "undefined" || typeof(firstSlideUrl) != "string")
    firstSlideUrl = "";

    if (typeof(showSlideTransition) == "undefined" || typeof(showSlideTransition) != "boolean")
    showSlideTransition = true;

    if (typeof(resizeToPhoto) == "undefined" || typeof(resizeToPhoto) != "boolean")
    resizeToPhoto = true;

    if (typeof(quickStart) == "undefined" || typeof(quickStart) != "boolean")
    quickStart = true;

    if (typeof(randomSlides) == "undefined" || typeof(randomSlides) != "boolean")
    randomSlides = false;

    if (typeof(slideControls) == "undefined" || typeof(slideControls) != "boolean")
    slideControls = false;

    if (typeof(slideCaptions) == "undefined" || typeof(slideCaptions) != "boolean")
    slideCaptions = false;

    if (typeof(slidesClickable) == "undefined" || typeof(slidesClickable) != "boolean")
    slidesClickable = false;

    return true;

    function loadSlideshow()
    if (!PrepSlideEnvironment())
    return false;

    slideshowContainer.innerHTML = '<img src="; alt="" id="ssSlide" height="' + slideHeight + '" width="' + slideWidth + '" style="opacity: .99; background-image: url(' + firstSlideUrl + '); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: center;" />';

    if (slideCaptions)
    slideshowContainer.innerHTML += '<div id="ssCaption"></div>';

    if (slideControls)
    slideshowContainer.innerHTML += '<div id="ssControl"><a title="Previous Slide" id="ssPrev" class="ssBtn" href="javascript: void(0);" onclick="prevSlide();"><img src="/img/spacer.gif" border="0" /></a><a title="Next Slide" id="ssNext" class="ssBtn" href="javascript: void(0);" onclick="nextSlide();"><img src="/img/spacer.gif" border="0" /></a><a title="Pause Slideshow" id="ssPause" class="ssBtn" href="javascript: void(0);" onclick="pauseSlideshow();"><img src="/img/spacer.gif" border="0" /></a><a title="Resume Slideshow" id="ssPlay" class="ssBtn" href="javascript: void(0);" onclick="resumeSlideshow();"><img src="/img/spacer.gif" border="0" /></a></div>';

    sSlide = document.getElementById('ssSlide');
    sCaption = document.getElementById('ssCaption');

    if (slidesClickable) { = 'pointer';

    if (firstSlideUrl != blank.src)

    ssSlides = new Array(null);
    ssSlideTotal = 0;
    ssSlideTimer = 0;
    ssOldSlide = 0;
    ssFadeTimer = 100;
    ssFade = "out";

    if (slideSourceIsGallery)
    ajax_query(slideshowHandler, '/photos/' + /\/gallery\/([0-9]+)/.exec(slideshowUrl)[1], null, true);
    else {
    var postArray = new Array();
    postArray = '8';
    postArray = slideshowUrl;
    ajax_query(slideshowHandler, '/homepage/', postArray, true);

    function slideshowHandler(response)
    if (!slideSourceIsGallery) {
    if (tmpCookie && tmpCookie != "") {
    var postArray = new Array();
    postArray = tmpCookie;
    postArray = slideshowUrl;
    ajax_query(function(){}, '/homepage/', postArray, true);
    deleteCookie("Template", "/", "");

    var re = /imageID\[\d+\] = "\d+";/g;
    var re2 = /width\[\d+\] = "\d+";/g;
    var re3 = /height\[\d+\] = "\d+";/g;
    var re4 = /caption\[\d+\] = ".*";/g;

    s = response.match(re);
    w = response.match(re2);
    h = response.match(re3);
    c = response.match(re4);

    var oSlide;

    for (i = 0; i < s.length; i++)
    oSlide = new Object;

    temp = s.split(/"/);
    oSlide.ImageId = temp[1];
    oSlide.File = '' + temp[1] + '&tool=slideshowXL&winHeight=' + photoHeight + '&winWidth=' + photoWidth;
    oSlide.Gallery = slideshowUrl + '/1/' + oSlide.ImageId;

    temp = h.split(/"/);
    oSlide.Height = temp[1];

    temp = w.split(/"/);
    oSlide.Width = temp[1];

    temp = c.split(/"/);
    oSlide.Caption = temp[1];

    oSlide.Loaded = false;

    if ((oSlide.Width > photoWidth) || (oSlide.Height > photoHeight))
    if (oSlide.Width >= oSlide.Height)
    oSlide.Height = Math.round((oSlide.Height / oSlide.Width) * photoWidth);
    oSlide.Width = photoWidth;
    oSlide.Width = Math.round((oSlide.Width / oSlide.Height) * photoHeight);
    oSlide.Height = photoHeight;

    ssSlideTotal = ssSlides.push(oSlide);

    ssSlideTotal -= 1;

    if (randomSlides)

    if (quickStart)
    ssSlideTimer = (slideDuration * 1);

    window.setTimeout("ssPrepSlide(2);", 0);
    window.setTimeout("ssPrepSlide(ssSlideTotal);", 0);

    if (slideshowType == SLIDE_SHOW)

    function ssPauseSlideshow()
    ssTimerId = null;

    function ssResumeSlideshow()
    if (!ssTimerId)
    ssTimerId = window.setTimeout("ssPlaySlideshow()", 10);

    function ssPrepSlide(prep)
    if (ssSlides[prep].Loaded == false)
    ssSlides[prep].Image = new Image();
    ssSlides[prep].Image.src = ssSlides[prep].File;
    ssSlides[prep].Loaded = true;

    function ssMoveSlide(i) {
    ssSlideTimer = 0;
    ssFadeTimer = 100;
    ssFade = "out";

    function ssPlaySlideshow()
    if (ssSlideTimer >= (slideDuration * 1000))
    if (ssFade == 'out')
    ssTransition(ssFadeTimer -= 10);

    if (ssFadeTimer == 0)
    ssFade = 'in';

    if (ssFade == 'in')
    ssTransition(ssFadeTimer += 10);

    if (ssFadeTimer == 100)
    ssSlideTimer = 0;
    ssFade = 'out';
    ssSlideTimer += 10;

    ssTimerId = window.setTimeout("ssPlaySlideshow()", 10);

    function ssTransition(opacity)
    if (showSlideTransition)
    if (opacity != 100) = (opacity / 100);

    // one case where mozilla sucks: the image will flash if you turn opacity up to 1 suddenly
    else = (.99);

    // only affects Win IE = 'alpha(opacity=' + opacity + ')';

    if (sCaption) { =; =;

    function ssSlideSwap(i)
    var newSlide = ssOldSlide + i;

    if (newSlide > ssSlideTotal)
    newSlide = 1;

    if (newSlide < 1)
    newSlide = ssSlideTotal;

    if (ssSlides[newSlide].Loaded != false)
    document.images.src = blank.src; = 'url(' + ssSlides[newSlide].File + ')';
    if (resizeToPhoto)
    document.images.height = ssSlides[newSlide].Height;
    document.images.width = ssSlides[newSlide].Width;

    if (slidesClickable)

    if (slideCaptions)
    document.getElementById('ssCaption').innerHTML = ssSlides[newSlide].Caption;

    ssPrepSlide(newSlide < ssSlideTotal ? newSlide + i : 1);
    ssOldSlide = newSlide;

    function ssAddSlideClick(sUrl) {
    addEvent(sSlide, 'click', function(){location.href=sUrl;});

    Array.prototype.shuffle = function()
    var len = this.length;
    var rand, temp, i;

    for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
    rand = Math.floor(Math.random()*len);
    temp = this;
    this = this[rand];
    this[rand] = temp;

    function pauseSlideshow()
    document.getElementById('ssPause').style.display = "none";
    document.getElementById('ssPlay').style.display = "inline";

    function resumeSlideshow()
    document.getElementById('ssPause').style.display = "inline";
    document.getElementById('ssPlay').style.display = "none";

    function prevSlide()

    function nextSlide()

    function getCookie(name) {
    var start = document.cookie.indexOf(name + "=");
    var len = start + name.length + 1;

    if ((!start) && (name != document.cookie.substring(0, name.length)))
    return null;

    if (start == -1)
    return null;

    var end = document.cookie.indexOf(";", len);

    if (end == -1)
    end = document.cookie.length;

    return unescape(document.cookie.substring(len, end));

    function deleteCookie(name, path, domain) {
    if (getCookie(name))
    document.cookie = name + "=" + ((path) ? ";path=" + path : "") + ((domain) ? ";domain=" + domain : "") + ";expires=Thu, 01-Jan-1970 00:00:01 GMT";

    function hasPath(sPath)
    re = new RegExp("\/" + sPath + "(\/|$)");
    return re.test(window.location)

    function delHover() {
    imgTags = document.getElementsByTagName("img");
    for (i=0; i<imgTags.length; i++) {
    imgTags.title = "";
    imgTags.alt = "";

    function AddReferralCode() {
    var links = this.getElementsByTagName("A");
    if (links && (links.length != 0)) {
    var smugLink = links.item(0);
    smugLink.href = "";
    Tracy :photo
    Prime Digital Photography
    Capturing life one fraction of a second at a time
  • AllenAllen Registered Users Posts: 10,014 Major grins
    edited July 21, 2009
    Slideshow isn't in my bio box. I believe it's in the Javascript box. Still don't know what to replace. Any help at all?
    Here is the code in my Jave box:

    /*== SLIDE SHOW ==*/
    /*== version 0.56 ==*/
    /*== Updated 03 May 2006 ==*/
    You are using the no longer supported slideshow. Although it still might
    work, no new photo will appear in the old show since the security keys were
    added. I strongly recommend switching to the new show here.

    Remove old slideshow code
    Al - Just a volunteer here having fun
    My Website index | My Blog
  • primedigitalprimedigital Registered Users Posts: 93 Big grins
    edited July 21, 2009
    Allen wrote:
    You are using the no longer supported slideshow. Although it still might
    work, no new photo will appear in the old show since the security keys were
    added. I strongly recommend switching to the new show here.

    Remove old slideshow code

    I deleted the lod slideshow stuff from my top java box and pasted in the new code to my bio filling in the proper fields. It is splashing to the correct image, but then goes on to the old slideshow. I noticed some code in my footer box that referrs to slideshow stuff and there is a url there. What am I doing wrong?

    Here is the code in my footer:

    if (hasPath("galleries"))
    YD.addClass(document.body, "galleries");
    ******** type="text/javascript">
    /* required slideshow variables */
    slideshowContainerId = "mySlideshow";
    slideshowUrl = "";
    /* optional slideshow variables */
    /* see properties section */
    slideDuration = 3;
    showSlideTransition = 1000;
    if (YD.hasClass(document.body, 'homepage') && !YD.hasClass(document.body, 'galleries'))
    <table border="0" cellpadding="3" width="100%" height="355">
    <td width="13%" height="3"></td>
    <td valign="bottom " width="73%" height="3">
    <p align="center"></td>
    <td width="14%" height="3"></td>
    <td width="13%" height="3"></td>
    <td width="73%" height="3"><font size="3"></font></td>
    <td width="14%" height="3"></td>
    <td width="13%" height="3"></td>
    <td valign="bottom" width="73%" height="3">
    <p align="center"><font size="3" face="AvantGarde Bk BT" color="#666666">All
    Images Copyrighted 2008 Prime Digital Photography</font><a href="<A href=""><font">"><font size="3" face="AvantGarde Bk BT" color="#666666">.</font></a></p>
    <p align="center"> </td>
    <td width="14%" height="3"></td>

    ****** http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252">
    ****** name="GENERATOR" content="Microsoft FrontPage 4.0">
    ****** name="ProgId" content="FrontPage.Editor.Document">
    <title>New Page 1</title>

    ****** http-equiv="Content-Language" content="en-us">
    ****** http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252">
    ****** name="GENERATOR" content="Microsoft FrontPage 4.0">
    ****** name="ProgId" content="FrontPage.Editor.Document">
    <title>New Page 1</title>

    <p align="center"><font color="#666666"><a href="<A href="">............................................................................</a></font></p">">............................................................................</a></font></p&gt;

    <p align="center"><a href="<A href=""><img">"><img src="" width="104" height="17" style="border:0" alt="Add to Google Reader or Homepage"/></a></p>

    <p align="center"><a href="" title="Tracy Mewmaw's galleries"><img src="" alt="" style="border:0"/></a></p>

    <p align="center"><a href="" title="Tracy Mewmaw's galleries"><img src="" alt="Subscribe in NewsGator Online" style="border:0"/></a></p>

    ******** src="" type="text/javascript">
    ******** type="text/javascript">
    _uacct = "UA-1198256-1";
    Tracy :photo
    Prime Digital Photography
    Capturing life one fraction of a second at a time
  • primedigitalprimedigital Registered Users Posts: 93 Big grins
    edited July 21, 2009
    can anyone log in to my control panel and take a look to see why I can't get this to work? I am totally confused now and I don't even have the old slideshow running anymore. IF you can help, I will give you the login info and url for the new slideshow images. Please! My site is all screwed up now!
    Tracy :photo
    Prime Digital Photography
    Capturing life one fraction of a second at a time
  • denisegoldbergdenisegoldberg Administrators Posts: 14,408 moderator
    edited July 21, 2009
    can anyone log in to my control panel and take a look to see why I can't get this to work? I am totally confused now and I don't even have the old slideshow running anymore. IF you can help, I will give you the login info and url for the new slideshow images. Please! My site is all screwed up now!
    You didn't remove the old slideshow code from your javascript. Go back to Allen's "remove old" link above and make sure to remove all of the pieces of the old show.

    --- Denise
  • primedigitalprimedigital Registered Users Posts: 93 Big grins
    edited July 21, 2009
    You didn't remove the old slideshow code from your javascript. Go back to Allen's "remove old" link above and make sure to remove all of the pieces of the old show.

    --- Denise

    As far as I can tell I have removed everything that Allen told me to from javascript box. Nothing that remains, resembles anything he told me to remove. What do I do now?
    Tracy :photo
    Prime Digital Photography
    Capturing life one fraction of a second at a time
  • AllenAllen Registered Users Posts: 10,014 Major grins
    edited July 21, 2009
    As far as I can tell I have removed everything that Allen told me to from javascript box. Nothing that remains, resembles anything he told me to remove. What do I do now?
    Remove from footer
      if (hasPath("galleries"))
        YD.addClass(document.body, "galleries");
    ******** type="text/javascript"> 
      /* required slideshow variables */ 
      slideshowContainerId = "mySlideshow"; 
      slideshowUrl = ""; 
      /* optional slideshow variables */
      /* see properties section */ 
      slideDuration = 3;
      showSlideTransition = 1000;
      if (YD.hasClass(document.body, 'homepage') && !YD.hasClass(document.body, 'galleries'))
    Might not need this div in your header if you're putting new show in biobox.

    <div id="mySlideshow"></div>

    Things in CSS that can be removed.
    .galleries #ssSlide {display:none !important;}
    /* This is sets your slideshow, and to the homepage only */
    #mySlideshow { 
        width: 750px;
        margin: 0 auto;
        text-align: center; 
        display: none;
    .homepage #mySlideshow {

    Put a space between 2125973 and .nophotos in CSS

    /* html only page for gallery 2125973 */
    .gallery_2125973.nophotos { display: none; }

    Put this in your biobox and change var's to what you want shown.
    var ssConfig = {
        AlbumID: '2043575',
        AlbumKey: 'JzsbL',
        newWindow: 'false',
        transparent: 'true',
        splash: '',
        showLogo: 'false',
        clickToImage: 'true',
        showThumbs: 'true',
        showButtons: 'true',
        crossFadeSpeed: '350'
    SM.flash.insertSlideshow(600, 400, ssConfig, 'transparent');
    Al - Just a volunteer here having fun
    My Website index | My Blog
  • primedigitalprimedigital Registered Users Posts: 93 Big grins
    edited July 22, 2009
    I followed yur instructions to a tee and still no slideshow. I am baffled!
    Tracy :photo
    Prime Digital Photography
    Capturing life one fraction of a second at a time
  • AllenAllen Registered Users Posts: 10,014 Major grins
    edited July 22, 2009
    I followed yur instructions to a tee and still no slideshow. I am baffled!
    I can't find the biobox in your html, sure that you enabled it? Look under
    "homepage layout" button and see if it's checked.
    Al - Just a volunteer here having fun
    My Website index | My Blog
  • jfriendjfriend Registered Users Posts: 8,097 Major grins
    edited July 22, 2009
    I followed yur instructions to a tee and still no slideshow. I am baffled!
    At least three more things to do:

    1) Go to the homepage layout button and show your bio.

    2) Remove this from your custom footer:
    [B]<[/B]script type="text/javascript"[B]> [/B]
      /* required slideshow variables */ 
      slideshowContainerId = "mySlideshow"; 
      slideshowUrl = ""; 
      /* optional slideshow variables */
      /* see properties section */ 
      slideDuration = 3;
      showSlideTransition = 1000;
      if (YD.hasClass(document.body, 'homepage') && !YD.hasClass(document.body, 'galleries'))
    3) Remove this from your custom footer:
    [B]<[/B]meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252">
    [B]<[/B]meta name="GENERATOR" content="Microsoft FrontPage 4.0">
    [B]<[/B]meta name="ProgId" content="FrontPage.Editor.Document">
    <title>New Page 1</title>
    [B]<[/B]meta http-equiv="Content-Language" content="en-us">
    [B]<[/B]meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252">
    [B]<[/B]meta name="GENERATOR" content="Microsoft FrontPage 4.0">
    [B]<[/B]meta name="ProgId" content="FrontPage.Editor.Document">
    [B]<[/B]title>New Page 1</title>
    JFriend's javascript customizationsSecrets for getting fast answers on Dgrin
    Always include a link to your site when posting a question
  • primedigitalprimedigital Registered Users Posts: 93 Big grins
    edited July 22, 2009
    Thanks for all your help Alle and jfriend. Thanks to you guys I finally got it up and running. Now I just need to make a few tweaks and it shuld be perfect! Thanks again!!
    Tracy :photo
    Prime Digital Photography
    Capturing life one fraction of a second at a time
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