API Syntax

I searched every single thing in the SM world on the API for how to use it. I've spent a good part of the whole day on this now.
I've gathered this much, you use something like:
The method seems to be the function you want to use.
But I have no idea what SessionID should be or where the APIKey or API secret go or even should go.
I feel so damn retarded. I know this stuff isn't this hard. Cryptic as 2000 year old Egyptian hieroglyphics, but I'm sure it's not that hard with some explanations or documentation.
Any assistance appreciated.
I've gathered this much, you use something like:
You replacing 'rest' in the path with 'json' or 'php' or 'rest' depending on the output you want. I can't replace that with 'xml-rpc'. That didn't seem to work.
The method seems to be the function you want to use.
But I have no idea what SessionID should be or where the APIKey or API secret go or even should go.
I feel so damn retarded. I know this stuff isn't this hard. Cryptic as 2000 year old Egyptian hieroglyphics, but I'm sure it's not that hard with some explanations or documentation.
Any assistance appreciated.
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the api documentation is on the wiki here:
For the rest of you who are completely in the dark on syntax. Open this in another window and read along:
The 'Endpoints' are the base path or url depending on the format of the value returned to you. For testing, 'rest' works well because the browser will display the output.
The 'Methods' are functions that will do something if you fill in their appropriate arguements.
Each arguement if preceeded by '&' and the arguement name. Arguements can be in any order. (At least so far in my testing.)
So an API call looks something like this:
or SSL:
- Where FORMAT is rest, json, php, or xmlrpc
- Where VALUE1 is the method name, eg 'smugmug.albums.get' or 'smugmug.login.withPassword'
- Where ARGUEMENT is one of the arguements for the method, like 'SessionID' on method 'smugmug.users.getTree'
- Where VALUE2 is the value for that arguement, like your Smugmug assigned API Key for the arguement 'APIKey' under method 'smugmug.login.withHash'
So now let's put this all together.So let's say you want a list of all your albums outputted in the format 'rest'.
Well, first you have to login. So you can login using the following:
You get back something like this which includes your 'userid' and 'passwordhash'. You'll want to use these from now on to login. So we'll use the method 'smugmug.login.withHash' to login. It will look like this:
This will log you in without exposing your email and password even if someone gets to your source code.
Well now that we're in, we can find the method that does what we want. Hmmm...which one. This 'smugmug.albums.get' sounds promising. Well look at that, it "Retrieves a list of albums for a given user." Sounds peachy.
So now what arguements does it require? SessionID. Where do we get that? Oh yeah, it's above in the output from when we logged in.
So let's try it:
And bingo! You get something like this: You will use this inside of other html or javascript or whatever programming language, but you can also use it straight from the browser to just get some information that you can then parse manually.
This is probably basic stuff to most programmers, but is base64 encoded Chinese to the rest of us!
I wrote this for myself because I'd forget all this by tommorrow. If you the reader also find it useful, that's a bonus. <img src="https://us.v-cdn.net/6029383/emoji/thumb.gif" border="0" alt="" >
I'll be using this knowledge to design a php script that will get all my albums on a daily basis from a particular gallery, turn these into custom urls, combine them with other smugmug custom urls, randomly feed one of the galleries to the random picture generator to get a picture url, parse that picture url to re-create a custom picture url as well as a link to the original picture in the gallery.
This little module will replace the random picture module I'm using on my web site, www.huntsvillecarscene.com. I'm not a programmer. This is going to be fun. :cry
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Good to see that you are having some fun with the API
If you are going to use php, I recommend that you use the php api (or json) as it's the easiest way to interact with the response.
Say, you had the response to a PHP API call in the variable $rsp, to convert that back to a PHP object you just call...
$obj = unserialize($rsp);
Also, instead of bumping a whole load of random threads, keep this thread going with your progress and what info you are looking for...and I'll help you as as required.
SmugMug API Developer
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SmugMug API Developer
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So far, it pulls the list of albums, and then builds gallery urls from the album and album key fields. Now I need to figure out how to write that to a file.
One thing that's interesting though, I've noticed that a php \n isn't creating a newline. Not sure if it is a phpsmug thing or something else.
Also, I haven't had any luck using loginwithhash even with \$ as replacements for the $ in the hash. I think these may be related.
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Typically, parameters that take strings should be url encoded, try using urlencode($str) to do this.
SmugMug API Developer
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I haven't had any luck on using login_withHash and thought this may be an issue. regular login works fine.
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