Duck Pond
Ok, so actually it's a drainage area around the building I work in. I believe they filled in some wetland to build it and this is what is left. The ducks seem to be enjoying it though. I didn't feel like going right into work this morning and the light seemed to be looking pretty decent. Just got a couple worth sharing.

While waiting for the ducks to complete a lap and come back into range:

While waiting for the ducks to complete a lap and come back into range:

Make them a pool or something? Put some green algae in? Put some dirt eating bacteria in?
thanks for sharing, love ducks. Peaceful photo.
ginger NANPA member
How many photographers does it take to change a light bulb? 50. One to change the bulb, and forty-nine to say, "I could have done that better!"
Thanks for the kind words. Unfortunately not a whole day off - Just took a few minutes before walking into the building to snap off a few.
I wouldn't worry about them toooo much. It appears to just be mud they stir up. It's really shallow - enough that the ducks would actually touch bottom, stand up (avove the water) and shake off their wings even in the middle.
I just noticed this little area the other week when I parked the truck in a different spot. Seems to be quite a bit of life hanging out around this spot. I pulled in this morning jumped out and got a couple before they flew off. I'll work 'em up later and see if anything is worth posting.
Thanks Ginger!
Thanks Harry - this is certainly not my best photographic area but I have certainly learned an appreciation for it. Unfortunately it makes me yearn for longer glass.