Display Latest Galleries on external site
I really like the new embeddable widgets for galleries.
Is there a way to create a Badge and pull the last 9 galleries and link back to them?
So instead of showing the photos inside my "Trip to Arizona" gallery I could create a badge that shows/links to my "Trip to Arizona" gallery, my "SeaWorld trip",my "Yellowstone trip" etc... basically the last couple of galleries I posted.
Or maybe just the galleries I featured?
I would like to put on my main website - driving people into our galleries.
- matt
Is there a way to create a Badge and pull the last 9 galleries and link back to them?
So instead of showing the photos inside my "Trip to Arizona" gallery I could create a badge that shows/links to my "Trip to Arizona" gallery, my "SeaWorld trip",my "Yellowstone trip" etc... basically the last couple of galleries I posted.
Or maybe just the galleries I featured?
I would like to put on my main website - driving people into our galleries.
- matt