Camera Bag

I am after a really good camera bag. I have bought three in all. A small one and the next size and ended up paying £80 for a Lowpro bag that goes on my back. This bag at first was quite adequate but now I cannot get my camera in for the lenses I use. I am after a shoulder bag so if anyone can point me into the right direction with a named product that would meet my requirements I would really appreciate it.
Hi Bob. Please describe what you expect the bag to hold, specifically.
What camera, whether it has a vertical grip attached, which lenses, which accessories, etc.
Moderator of the Cameras and Accessories forums
1D MkII N w/L Bracket
300 2.8L IS w/CPL
70-200 2.8L
Large Blower
Spare Lenmar
77mm Kaesemann CPL
72mm to 77mm step up ring
Dust Aid kit
Allen key and 3 more CF cards in the lid pocket also.
If your looking for something that really holds a silly amount of gear I've also got a Crumpler Brazillion Dollar Home. It really is ridiculous the amount of stuff you can cram into it.
5D2/1D MkII N/40D and a couple bits of glass.
Hi Ziggy,
I use a 40D with a verticle grip, The lenses I normally carry are the 17-55 70-200 10-22 and a macro lens sometimes the 60mm and sometimes the MPE and also the 580 flash and the other general bits and pieces leads etc and a small cleaning kit. with the exception of my camera and I nearly always have the 17-55 attached I can get the rest of the lenses in the Lowepro backpack bag. I was after a good shoulder bag to hold all these and of course my camera. I have trawled the net but cannot seem to find anything.
Hi Christian,
I have a Lowepro backpack bag in which I can get all my lenses in but cannot get my camera in. I have had a quick look at the other Crumpler bags you have mentioned and they do appear big and are more suitable for laptops.
A Domke F2 might be big enough to carry all your stuff. I use the F2 and it's a great bag. There's also the F1-X which is the next size up.
Hi there Dan,
The F-2 appears to be just what I have been looking for. Thanks ever so much for that Dan.
Thanks for your reply. However, I have received my F-2 Domke bag and I am really pleased with it. I can get everything I want in it so thanks again Dan for your kind assistance.